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Sir Prince

Formerly Reformed Spammer

On Normal Mode:

Sunday, March 25, 2063
Seconds left to live...

Over 80+ years!

When are YOU going to die?

Sorry to burst your bubble, I'm just a sadist like that :twisted:
Yes, but instead of posting the link or posting in the other thread, you chose to post here keeping this thread on the front page... wait... Oh goddammit.
normal: Saturday, October 20, 2063..that means ill be 73 then...

and wdf this thing says im underweight...im 1.90 m and 64 kilo.."bodymass 18"...
I often workout and im not really that thin...

Does this thing take the medium of same really fat folk or something **i say no names :roll: **
THe body-mass index is easy to use but is inacurate and doesn't make a difference between muscle and fat, or if you have thick bones etc.

Sunday, December 10, 2084
Seconds left to live...

Heh, according to this site I'm going to live to be 97. Excellent.
PrinceScamp said:
THe body-mass index is easy to use but is inacurate and doesn't make a difference between muscle and fat, or if you have thick bones etc.
Oh, like if you're not fat, but instead just big boned? :lol:
J/k, j/k.
Heh. Man... the BMI hates me. I'm within "desirable limits", but it's really close, and I'm in great shape. I'm pretty muscular, and the extra weight of my muscles raises my weight enough that the BMI considers me kinda chubby, when in reality, my body fat % is quite good. It's a stupid measurement, honestly. Body fat % is more reliable.
Tuesday, August 21, 2046.
About 1.287 billion seconds... what the hell.
That means I'll be 55?! 54, maybe. It's on pessimistic. Let's see on normal...
Sunday, September 27, 2065.
I'll be 74 or so. Not bad. My BMI is 19 according to them (I'm 13 years old, 5"9' or so, maybe give an inch or so) and I weigh 130 pounds. I don't know if that accurate or not, given I don't do crap for outdoor activities. I'm generally a scrawny-ass, though not anorexic. Is that accurate? I don't know anything about BMI... but it says I'm "desirable". I wouldn't know at all, because since I don't go out, I never have things to talk about with girls, so I'm passive with them, unless they start to talk with me first, but I don't care... I'm "desirable"! Woot.
and wdf this thing says im underweight...im 1.90 m and 64 kilo.."bodymass 18"...
I often workout and im not really that thin...

Does this thing take the medium of same really fat folk or something **i say no names Rolling Eyes **

That's really low. I'm 181 cms and 60 kg (four less than you) and I'm ultra-skinny. The average 'body mass' for men is 20-24 I think.
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