Tuesday, August 21, 2046.
About 1.287 billion seconds... what the hell.
That means I'll be 55?! 54, maybe. It's on pessimistic. Let's see on normal...
Sunday, September 27, 2065.
I'll be 74 or so. Not bad. My BMI is 19 according to them (I'm 13 years old, 5"9' or so, maybe give an inch or so) and I weigh 130 pounds. I don't know if that accurate or not, given I don't do crap for outdoor activities. I'm generally a scrawny-ass, though not anorexic. Is that accurate? I don't know anything about BMI... but it says I'm "desirable". I wouldn't know at all, because since I don't go out, I never have things to talk about with girls, so I'm passive with them, unless they start to talk with me first, but I don't care... I'm "desirable"! Woot.