I just defeated Dark Knight army of 1849

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With my army of 12800 peasant women. I deliberately hired and rescued only peasant women, not training them, and filling up all my vassals with peasant women. I adjusted mercenary hire to 60-80 so each town I went I can hire a lot of peasant women if I see them.

Then the Dark Knights came. You can pretty much say I killed most of them and the peasant women were being slaughtered, though they managed to kill some Dark Knights.

After the fight, only 208 peasant women remained.
If you hired an infinite number of peasant women and garrisoned them in a castle, would they eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare?
I think this is joke - castles and towns upgrades garrisoned troops automatically. Considering time needed to gather such numbers of Peasant Women, it is very hard and completly random to keep Peasant Women as they are.
amondrubee said:
With my army of 12800 peasant women. I deliberately hired and rescued only peasant women, not training them, and filling up all my vassals with peasant women. I adjusted mercenary hire to 60-80 so each town I went I can hire a lot of peasant women if I see them.

Then the Dark Knights came. You can pretty much say I killed most of them and the peasant women were being slaughtered, though they managed to kill some Dark Knights.

After the fight, only 208 peasant women remained.

pics or it didnt happen noob! besides, you cant even use 12800 on the field... so youve got to use it in a castle and to get that many youve just gotta be changin recruitment trees...
Autocalc. He'd have needed thousands upon thousands more peasant women to have defeated that many dark knights. Hell, I'm not even sure that 1,000 peasant women vs. one Blackguard would win, since his armor's so good their hits would all have no effect.
Megazero34 said:
amondrubee said:
With my army of 12800 peasant women. I deliberately hired and rescued only peasant women, not training them, and filling up all my vassals with peasant women. I adjusted mercenary hire to 60-80 so each town I went I can hire a lot of peasant women if I see them.

Then the Dark Knights came. You can pretty much say I killed most of them and the peasant women were being slaughtered, though they managed to kill some Dark Knights.

After the fight, only 208 peasant women remained.
pics or it didnt happen noob! besides, you cant even use 12800 on the field... so youve got to use it in a castle and to get that many youve just gotta be changin recruitment trees...

Vassals have no troop limit...
daumor said:
Megazero34 said:
amondrubee said:
With my army of 12800 peasant women. I deliberately hired and rescued only peasant women, not training them, and filling up all my vassals with peasant women. I adjusted mercenary hire to 60-80 so each town I went I can hire a lot of peasant women if I see them.

Then the Dark Knights came. You can pretty much say I killed most of them and the peasant women were being slaughtered, though they managed to kill some Dark Knights.

After the fight, only 208 peasant women remained.
pics or it didnt happen noob! besides, you cant even use 12800 on the field... so youve got to use it in a castle and to get that many youve just gotta be changin recruitment trees...

Vassals have no troop limit...

no **** sherlock
Charlie Brooker said:
<Inflammatory remark>

<Sexist joke>

Anything else missing for this thread? :3
References to gay sex.

On a completely unrelated note, I just realized that "bumbling" might have a few different meanings.
hyperion said:
So you wasted pretty much the entire population of Calradia on a few dark knights?
Bravo. Mommy must be proud.
Or is she dead too?

This bit made me laugh so much. To the guy who said he's not sure 1000 peasant women can defeat a black guard, well, no worries. Not all dark knights are black guards. The peasant women is capable of killing lower tier dark knight units and act as a meat shield for stronger units while you take them down. It wasn't just the peasant women hire I changed, I also changed it so every other female unit upgrades to a peasant woman. E.g. female mercenary and lady knight gets 'upgraded' back to peasant woman. That's where they belong!

I didn't garrison my vassals. Once they had a decent army, they move too slowly to catch enemies and enemies all run away from my vassals. I had to corner the dark knights to actually get them to fight my vassals before I later joined in. The battle was in a open field. Auto calc at first and later I joined in killing loads. I had 17 vassals altogether and there was a lot of leaving the fight and regrouping.

Never thought about taking screenshots and the game wasn't saved because I created a seperate folder before editing the text files so my main save games doesn't get messed up. Oh well. I suppose I should have took a screenshot.  :cry:

This whole getting the peasant women to take down dark knights lasted two full days.
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