I have some questions about Bloc

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The 2019 review is pretty scathing, and seems to make a lot of sense given the current state of the game. Also:
"Advice to Management:
None since they won't listen to"
Oh man those Cons dont sound too good -sounds alot like exactly what we are blindly guessing here.
How is it possible that a single person, shows a whole company, what would be possible if they would care about their game?

Sure, most of his mods are "just" some proofs of concepts, some mods just showed that things are not possible as TW claimed.

How can a single guy make the impossible possible? And adds stuff to the game the whole community demands from TW (serving as a soldier), while TW claims they listen to feedback but deny things like that?

I don´t understant this. Maybe LC can explain?
Shut up you ingrate, they made this game so moddable, they aren't perfect but Bloc wouldn't be able to do what he's done without the modability they have built into the engine from the ground level this time around. Bloc probably could still do it with warbands lower level of modability but it's alot easier and more powerful once you learn it.
Shut up you ingrate, they made this game so moddable, they aren't perfect but Bloc wouldn't be able to do what he's done without the modability they have built into the engine from the ground level this time around. Bloc probably could still do it with warbands lower level of modability but it's alot easier and more powerful once you learn it.
If the game is so easy to mod for Bloc then why didn't Taleworlds add at least some of the heavily requested features and more importantly why did it take them so long to develop the game? Either Taleworlds didn't give a :poop: or wouldn't do it because "reasons". Most likely from the reviews posted in this thread it seems like Taleworlds is a mess at the management level. But someone asking pertinent questions isn't being an ingrate. If he got the game for free then *****ed and complained he'd be an ingrate but if he bought a product and is unhappy and wished to complain then that's a different story.
Hey that's the current Italian government how did you know

Also, everyone can code if they want it badly enough, and I will throw in that everyone can do anything that does not require physical prowess if they want it bad enough and they have enough time and resources to dedicate themselves to it. It's a bit more complicated when it comes to physical feats because you can't say lift an elephant with your little finger no matter how hard you train. There are limits to the mental domains too but they are way larger.

Also, congratulations TW. I had a lot of goodwill for you and you somehow managed to burn it all away. @MostBlunted this one goes out to you (I remember our interactions in the early days of this debacle and man, you were right and I was wrong. Not afraid to admit that.).
lol I'm italian too, sort of aware of it tbh - born and raised in Brazil and back here again unfortunately. But yeah it fits, non ci avevo pensato così, brillante :lol:
Here's a tip that might be helpful in saving yourself some embarrassment. Just because someone doesn't talk about their background, education or work experience, it doesn't mean they lack them. :lol:
most certainly yet it means they are afraid, chickens. Those confident enough don't give a rats arse about other ppl being a bit annoying nor about sharing background / experience / work. - whenever someone hides something or reacts emotionally to something, it shows they are insecure, feel vulnerable and ultimately that they are governed by fear. Sure I wouldn't share my home address, but sharing bits of information that might be useful for something during a discussion's pretty fkng normal, when someone chickens on that it's never a good sign, there are a few traits that I despise on people, being craven's one of them. Oh, before you try to continue this sanatorial argument, my emo reactions were because "i hate my dad" *plays simple plan on the background* - :lol: - nope, it's because there was a cup which was filled over by multiple ppl and it finally spilled, under a moody day I will lash out, specially if I'm not wrong, which I'm not, despite some don't liking it. Some forumers here love to try and stab others for no reason endlessly and avoid any productive conversation (probably some sad and miserable ppl outside of the web), and overtime I grow tired of being "passive aggressively" attacked, as such I respond at level - what's funny about it is that it's not always the other person intention to sting you and they get the lash, in your case I think you were lying about it being inocuous though...
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Was that also not your intent?

reacts emotionally to something, it shows they are insecure, feel vulnerable and ultimately that they are governed by fear
ppl seeking that are generally those who shouldn't get any, so I'm fine with it and won't be going all chicken-**** on my honesty, I'm always honest, those who aren't I simply see as human-rubbish. [...] So why should I care if I hate doing it? [...] it made me want to gouge my own eyes out...
I self-learned programming at the age of 11 [...] I thought nothing of... [...] I was asked to present [...] representants from MS, IBM, etc made some big event
I simply said that [... bla bla excuses ...] "can't code for crap" means "can't do it at an acceptable level at all currently" [... bla bla excuses ...]
binary language[...]Brazilian MIT[...]I met a few ppl with computer sciences degrees who are like me, most abandonned the field[...]I can back up everything I said with physical proof, PM me and we can even meet in person, I'll not spend a dime to do it so you'd probably have to come to me[...]I had to code a few times, when making mods (deleted any recollection of it)
neuroatypiical congenital differences
That's a loooooot of excuses and emotional rants to cover up your lack of actual skills and the insecurities that come with it. You went "how do you do fellow kids" and even "f8 me irl" on James with a touch of "imma give impossible conditions so it won't actually happen lol". You see, this is why talking **** is not a good idea. There will always be people smarter than you on the Internet, and it's mighty embarrassing when they call you out on your boasts. The others were very nice to you, trying to save you from further embarrassment, but you didn't listen.

And only because you're so stuck on the idea that others are not bragging about their background out of fear, I'll share mine. I'll put it in a spoiler tho because it's embarrassing to brag about these little achievements.
The kid has seen it, so removed.

And I don't normally brag about that. It's just life. I'm sure there are a lot of people who led a similar life and even done better because they weren't as financially burdened as I was. There are many people more skilled in game development than I am in these forums alone. I'm not going to **** on Taleworld's coding like I'm the authority of the subject, because I'm not.

Thing is, it's just so damn cute seeing someone, who can't code at all, doing exactly that.
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most certainly yet it means they are afraid, chickens. Those confident enough don't give a rats arse about other ppl being a bit annoying nor about sharing background / experience / work. - whenever someone hides something or reacts emotionally to something, it shows they are insecure, feel vulnerable and ultimately that they are governed by fear.

The problem with bragging online is that it's just not interesting to read. I don't care what you or anyone else did a few years ago, at least in the context of a thread that isn't about you. It's the equivalent of trying to have a meaningful conversation with someone who only ever talks about themselves. It's cringe.

The reason people (you included) look up to Bloc is that he has just churned out mods of astonishing variety. Not once has he brought up what he did in the past without being prompted, his mods simply speak for themselves. If anyone should have bragging rights it would be people like Bloc, Swyter, Earandil and cmpxchg8b who have dedicated years of their lives to documenting and modding this series, but they are remarkably humble people. In fact none of the modders on this forum do that. It should be common sense that bragging is both tedious to read and makes you sound like a narcissist, but apparently boomer coders never got the memo on this one.
The problem with bragging online is that it's just not interesting to read. I don't care what you or anyone else did a few years ago, at least in the context of a thread that isn't about you. It's the equivalent of trying to have a meaningful conversation with someone who only ever talks about themselves. It's cringe.

The reason people (you included) look up to Bloc is that he has just churned out mods of astonishing variety. Not once has he brought up what he did in the past without being prompted, his mods simply speak for themselves. If anyone should have bragging rights it would be people like Bloc, Swyter, Earandil and cmpxchg8b who have dedicated years of their lives to documenting and modding this series, but they are remarkably humble people. In fact none of the modders on this forum do that. It should be common sense that bragging is both tedious to read and makes you sound like a narcissist, but apparently boomer coders never got the memo on this one.
it's not bragging, but whatever makes you feel better mate. And no, nothing's cringe when you are applying into objectively - let's try to mature your mind a bit:
if a guy enters a meeting room and randomly starts talking about unrelated subjects while also forcing "badge show-off" of his accomplishments or whatever, that's bragging.
When someone says "so I'm an engineer" and the other person starts asking out of place questions like "where did you graduate? / what's your specialty" while always immediately replying some socially overrated equivalent of himself, that's bragging and often also a lie. (IE: I went to "insert random college here" and the immediate reply almost overlapping: "oh, I went to MIT" or whatever tf society's overrating atm)
When it's done totally out of context, that's bragging.
At some family party where everyone's talking about their careers and the person simply swoops-in with a high nose talking about their super fancy whatever tf job or graduation - that's bragging.

When someone talks about it to try and reinforce or validate what they are talking about, that's not bragging. Generally in a debate between serious ppl that's quite common in fact, and it also gives openings for further and much more engaging discussions like the possibility of cross-referencing knowledge and information from different sources, it's even possible to do that from seemingly unrelated career paths or even degree choices - because there are numerous overlapping subjects and even classes between many different educational backgrounds / specs. - IE: I was introduced to psychology and had 2 years on it in college while getting a degree specifically at Game Development - studied it further on my own for many years due to personal and very intimate interest - it's common for me to discuss high level theoretical concepts with my own psychologist on at least a monthly basis, specially pleasant because he's a professor too.

If someone mentions badges or brings up academical baggage, it usually makes it easier to further the discussion into more technical levels and allows for skipping a crapload of unecessary information or opening up branches that could diverge the discussion from the objective subject - That because when you talk with someone who's a complete layman or uneducated in a field, you must bring down the technical and whenever that's unavoidable (bringing it up) you generally must waste a lot of time giving basically free classes on the fundamentals before you can even start making your point or explaining your reasoning.

That's where certain level of maturity comes in handy, as in when I was a kid I also had a hard time placing the proper perspective on something - one thing you learn with age or with studying the human mind is that we're always guilty of our own way of interpreting what is said to us - you can look at the same subject, or even the same phrase under many different lights. My difference, personal individual perspective basically, is very logical and set-in stone on that regard. If I have a subject being debated I expect to keep at the subject, when there's even a hint of going ape over what we call in academia "Ad Hominem" I already make a disgust face towards the person, online that can't be seen but I get genuinelly disgusted - the other thing's my personality, I'm a very aggressive person whenever I'm hostilized, I always was - Online the triggering happens because it's impersonal, in person I never had anyone do or say nothing even close to what sometimes happens, if I'm to be honest that's probably because these ppl either have respect for me for some reason (and that makes it much easier to defuse or straighten some misunderstanding) or they are genuinelly afraid of getting punched in the face, can't ever tell because I don't read minds.
Considering I'm a highly social person and had personal friendships with former professors and other highly regarded academic people and I never had any issues with them, makes it very clear to me that I do have respect despite my odd ways of operating discourses. I only really faced some true non-direct hostility in college from generally less graded peers who were also noticeably immature, so from 2 different fields of knowledge (personal experience and psychological studies) I'm generally very good at pin-pointing behavioral causes or profiles - which whenever I make my "octopus-pinpointing" it triggers ppl almost instantly because it tends to drop several of their masks at once. - Am I wrong to do that? Certainly am, but I never do it if I wasn't poked by the person first. Stay at peace 🙌 - if you genuinelly read this with a open mindI guarantee you that sooner or later you'll understand and probably agree with me. If you don't, eventually you will but you won't remember this WoT most likely.
you seem very triggered...
And only because you're so stuck on the idea that others are not bragging about their background out of fear, I'll share mine. I'll put it in a spoiler tho because it's embarrassing to brag about these little achievements.
but if so why not explain what you understand about stuff instead of bringing random oddities up and divert the subject at face level towards irrelevant information!? Isn't that a little bit contradictory towards someone with such knowledge depth? That'd translate into only 2 possible venues, one of them being deliberately trying to pick fights online for no logical reason showing extremely concerning psychological distress and social inadequacy - the other possibility's not even worth talking about.
Also, why did you call it bragging if you say it's "just life"? I genuinelly see it as just life, that's why I never see it as bragging or anything else which's why when I do it or someone else does it I think absolutely nothing of it - placing it under such a dark perspective (or point of view) is not normal for someone who thinks that it is "just life" - also, giving such importance towards comparing things you've done with others' exceptionally infantile - really mate, take a grip...

As for humility lessons, yes, supposedly one should be less aggressive than me, but being a costumer and seeing wrongdoings that affect quality level is in my right, specially if I can detect it or understand it from a more open perspective. My criticism towards them was never about coding, though (hence why you all failed to place any references towards the supposed post) but rather logistics and game design (which are my expertize, and involve no coding what-so-ever :lol:) from my more open criticism towards anything related to programming I might criticize certain aspects of which I believe should either be easily solved - or if more complex they could afford a team to do it and should - depending on the severity of the issue.

In the end you've been very contradictory - your supposed "joke" wasn't a joke and my reaction was on level with your passive aggressive hostilization attempt, which came freely without provocation - when you claimed it was "but just a joke" you were already fearing for your own reputation because I started analyzing and responding without much flaw. Than you diverted the subject and attacked me directly without ever arguing the objects of which you claimed to be wrong - that's generally a step taken when someone only holds a half-truth (meaning both parties can be right) and the person wants to "win" over the other, or, when the person doesn't really have anything and lied about it, or, the person was proven wrong and as such they start relying on personal attacks (or Ad Hominem as I mentioned).

My conclusion so far about your behavior's that you're either telling the truth and suffers from a lot of untreated trauma which would explain the illogical behavior, or, you are not telling the truth and for some reason I've earned your antipathy because something I said made you feel little / diminished. - My advice's to simply let go of the emotions, be a robot basically, than re-read stuff, re-think and be more objective - you also must be confident about yourself, until you are you'll always get involuntary emotional reactions to things that are simply not worth it.

Still, I don't care, if you want to have a civilized discussion and bring up your own baggage and knowledge to the table, I'm open for it, but if you try to attack me again I'd see it as rather me being right about the worst case scenarios of which I previously mentioned - I hope that's not the case and we can simply have a nice intellectual exchange instead, or divine silence - you could always press the "ignore" button on me, it's a social platform after all.


and with this I make my exit - I won't indulge into this nonsense any longer, suffice to say I was simply honest all the time, as I always am...

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The kid has seen it, so removed.


Why did you delete it if you said it's "just life"?
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If anyone should have bragging rights it would be people like Bloc, Swyter, Earandil and cmpxchg8b who have dedicated years of their lives to documenting and modding this series, but they are remarkably humble people

We normal players would be so ****ed without all those modders that fixes critical bugs and add stuff to the game that people want.

Vanilla Bannerlord without modding would be a broken joke.
Well executed, would've infuriated me to no end.
That's a loooooot of excuses and emotional rants to cover up your lack of actual skills and the insecurities that come with it. You went "how do you do fellow kids" and even "f8 me irl" on James with a touch of "imma give impossible conditions so it won't actually happen lol". You see, this is why talking **** is not a good idea. There will always be people smarter than you on the Internet, and it's mighty embarrassing when they call you out on your boasts. The others were very nice to you, trying to save you from further embarrassment, but you didn't listen.
Is that also not the interesting aspect about forums like these? Even though they're completely anonymous, distant and egocentric they're also very social in the way that they copy real communities and communication. And the common denominator in communities and communication is equality. - My say here is as important as yours as there is no hierarchy. -

And since there is no hierarchy to determine our place in this community, our place is established by the way we communicate. We get either called out by our peers or validated for our ideas. We learn what goes and what doesn't. We recognize our place on the social ladder where there shouldn't be a social ladder. We come to learn our strengths and weaknesses in the purest form of communication there is (because communication is all that binds us here).

Talking **** is a path of growth. A very slow and arduous path but a path nonetheless. So keep calling out others on their bull****, myself included. But do recognize that they are on the same path as you are, just not as far ahead.
Is that also not the interesting aspect about forums like these?
And do I look like I'm not having fun?

But do recognize that they are on the same path as you are, just not as far ahead
If by that you mean that we've all been young and arrogant, yes. I was like that too for a time. Not as bad as him tho, because even back then I had some actual skills.

Edit: Holy **** I didn't see that super long rant above. Gonna read it while eating dinner later.

Edit 2: Nevermind it's another boring cope out lacking in self-awareness.
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When someone talks about it to try and reinforce or validate what they are talking about, that's not bragging.

Rattling off your credentials doesn't make what you're saying more correct, it just sometimes intimidates people who think they are less knowledgable. But when you're saying stuff that just isn't correct then it's just laughable.

For example about a week ago I made a post about how game engines can't be distinguished by graphics alone, and you told me I had no idea what I was talking about, and that you can distinguish gamebryo from unreal based on the "shininess" or something like that. At the time I had other things to do so I didn't respond, but I was dumbfounded at how someone could be so arrogant and overconfident about something that was so completely wrong.

Unreal, Gamebryo and Unity use almost identical PBR formulas for rendering, with similarly identical implementations of things like SSR, AO, Tessellation, and even the archviz baked lighting they both love to show off. These were all developed by tech artists independently, who published their work to the public domain. As a result it's literally not possible for a human being to distinguish most different modern engines, given the same lighting and assets. When people say "this looks like an Unreal game", it's because most indie developers are lazy and don't edit the horrible postprocessing settings from the default the engine gives you. But the level of industry-wide standardisation nowadays is pretty high. Even with regards to code architecture, the only major difference between Unity (C++ OOP with C# scripting) and Unreal (C++ OOP with bytecode scripting) is that unreal places more restrictions on its base classes and has a more complex render pipeline.
it's not bragging, but whatever makes you feel better mate. And no, nothing's cringe when you are applying into objectively - let's try to mature your mind a bit:
if a guy enters a meeting room and randomly starts talking about unrelated subjects while also forcing "badge show-off" of his accomplishments or whatever, that's bragging.
When someone says "so I'm an engineer" and the other person starts asking out of place questions like "where did you graduate? / what's your specialty" while always immediately replying some socially overrated equivalent of himself, that's bragging and often also a lie. (IE: I went to "insert random college here" and the immediate reply almost overlapping: "oh, I went to MIT" or whatever tf society's overrating atm)
When it's done totally out of context, that's bragging.
At some family party where everyone's talking about their careers and the person simply swoops-in with a high nose talking about their super fancy whatever tf job or graduation - that's bragging.

When someone talks about it to try and reinforce or validate what they are talking about, that's not bragging. Generally in a debate between serious ppl that's quite common in fact, and it also gives openings for further and much more engaging discussions like the possibility of cross-referencing knowledge and information from different sources, it's even possible to do that from seemingly unrelated career paths or even degree choices - because there are numerous overlapping subjects and even classes between many different educational backgrounds / specs. - IE: I was introduced to psychology and had 2 years on it in college while getting a degree specifically at Game Development - studied it further on my own for many years due to personal and very intimate interest - it's common for me to discuss high level theoretical concepts with my own psychologist on at least a monthly basis, specially pleasant because he's a professor too.

If someone mentions badges or brings up academical baggage, it usually makes it easier to further the discussion into more technical levels and allows for skipping a crapload of unecessary information or opening up branches that could diverge the discussion from the objective subject - That because when you talk with someone who's a complete layman or uneducated in a field, you must bring down the technical and whenever that's unavoidable (bringing it up) you generally must waste a lot of time giving basically free classes on the fundamentals before you can even start making your point or explaining your reasoning.

That's where certain level of maturity comes in handy, as in when I was a kid I also had a hard time placing the proper perspective on something - one thing you learn with age or with studying the human mind is that we're always guilty of our own way of interpreting what is said to us - you can look at the same subject, or even the same phrase under many different lights. My difference, personal individual perspective basically, is very logical and set-in stone on that regard. If I have a subject being debated I expect to keep at the subject, when there's even a hint of going ape over what we call in academia "Ad Hominem" I already make a disgust face towards the person, online that can't be seen but I get genuinelly disgusted - the other thing's my personality, I'm a very aggressive person whenever I'm hostilized, I always was - Online the triggering happens because it's impersonal, in person I never had anyone do or say nothing even close to what sometimes happens, if I'm to be honest that's probably because these ppl either have respect for me for some reason (and that makes it much easier to defuse or straighten some misunderstanding) or they are genuinelly afraid of getting punched in the face, can't ever tell because I don't read minds.
Considering I'm a highly social person and had personal friendships with former professors and other highly regarded academic people and I never had any issues with them, makes it very clear to me that I do have respect despite my odd ways of operating discourses. I only really faced some true non-direct hostility in college from generally less graded peers who were also noticeably immature, so from 2 different fields of knowledge (personal experience and psychological studies) I'm generally very good at pin-pointing behavioral causes or profiles - which whenever I make my "octopus-pinpointing" it triggers ppl almost instantly because it tends to drop several of their masks at once. - Am I wrong to do that? Certainly am, but I never do it if I wasn't poked by the person first. Stay at peace 🙌 - if you genuinelly read this with a open mindI guarantee you that sooner or later you'll understand and probably agree with me. If you don't, eventually you will but you won't remember this WoT most likely.

you seem very triggered...

but if so why not explain what you understand about stuff instead of bringing random oddities up and divert the subject at face level towards irrelevant information!? Isn't that a little bit contradictory towards someone with such knowledge depth? That'd translate into only 2 possible venues, one of them being deliberately trying to pick fights online for no logical reason showing extremely concerning psychological distress and social inadequacy - the other possibility's not even worth talking about.
Also, why did you call it bragging if you say it's "just life"? I genuinelly see it as just life, that's why I never see it as bragging or anything else which's why when I do it or someone else does it I think absolutely nothing of it - placing it under such a dark perspective (or point of view) is not normal for someone who thinks that it is "just life" - also, giving such importance towards comparing things you've done with others' exceptionally infantile - really mate, take a grip...

As for humility lessons, yes, supposedly one should be less aggressive than me, but being a costumer and seeing wrongdoings that affect quality level is in my right, specially if I can detect it or understand it from a more open perspective. My criticism towards them was never about coding, though (hence why you all failed to place any references towards the supposed post) but rather logistics and game design (which are my expertize, and involve no coding what-so-ever :lol:) from my more open criticism towards anything related to programming I might criticize certain aspects of which I believe should either be easily solved - or if more complex they could afford a team to do it and should - depending on the severity of the issue.

In the end you've been very contradictory - your supposed "joke" wasn't a joke and my reaction was on level with your passive aggressive hostilization attempt, which came freely without provocation - when you claimed it was "but just a joke" you were already fearing for your own reputation because I started analyzing and responding without much flaw. Than you diverted the subject and attacked me directly without ever arguing the objects of which you claimed to be wrong - that's generally a step taken when someone only holds a half-truth (meaning both parties can be right) and the person wants to "win" over the other, or, when the person doesn't really have anything and lied about it, or, the person was proven wrong and as such they start relying on personal attacks (or Ad Hominem as I mentioned).

My conclusion so far about your behavior's that you're either telling the truth and suffers from a lot of untreated trauma which would explain the illogical behavior, or, you are not telling the truth and for some reason I've earned your antipathy because something I said made you feel little / diminished. - My advice's to simply let go of the emotions, be a robot basically, than re-read stuff, re-think and be more objective - you also must be confident about yourself, until you are you'll always get involuntary emotional reactions to things that are simply not worth it.

Still, I don't care, if you want to have a civilized discussion and bring up your own baggage and knowledge to the table, I'm open for it, but if you try to attack me again I'd see it as rather me being right about the worst case scenarios of which I previously mentioned - I hope that's not the case and we can simply have a nice intellectual exchange instead, or divine silence - you could always press the "ignore" button on me, it's a social platform after all.


and with this I make my exit - I won't indulge into this nonsense any longer, suffice to say I was simply honest all the time, as I always am...

late edit:


Why did you delete it if you said it's "just life"?
Shame, there was a pretty interesting thread here, and then it suddenly devolved in a war of ego trip that highjacked the initial subject.
Maybe compare the size of your dicks in private messages ?
This whole thing is cringey af. I don't think I was able to finish one full response without needing to tap out for fear and peeling my face off.
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