hi all you hard working devs ,
i have been watching the growth of my char and i see some small needs. i was wondering if you would consider using a skill based exp setup? since we are looking for realisim in this game, wouldnt it be closer to "real" by haveing the skills you use actually do the advancing.
lets look at the chr stats first.
str. this could advance by your use of weapons and heavy armor so every action you gain exp toward you str improvement.
agi. this could be advanced by your use of some weapons but more of thrown and bow use as well as running
int. you could get creative with this by adding books and "schools" for your improvement as well as field exp
cha. this can be advanced by your actions and interactions with others your bartering and haggleing in shops and the such.
all of your base stats should of course affect your skills but i allso think ther should be at least 2 more added and those being constitution and dexterity. imo.
now on to the skills.
first skill i consider is your hit points. this should be a guide of how tough you are .....right? well then i think every time you take damage you should slowly start to get tougher. for example you start wtih lets say 20 hp every point of damage you take could translate into exp for your hit points. so to go from 20 to 21 lets say you need 100 exp which means you need to take 100 points of damage to advance. just an example.
next is iron skin this could be eliminated with the use of the previous example
next is power strike if you keep this i think this should be hard earned by gaining a pre-set number of max damage strikes. and that number should be rather high lets say to go from 0 to 1 you need 200 max damge strikes but the reward should be fair but not over powering. lets say a bonus 2 points of damage or 5% for example.
next power throw this should as well measure you distance and accuracy of the thrown weapon not so much the abilaty to use the weapon.
next power draw ............i dont really like this skill because i feel that your str should determine this abillaty. either you can pull the draw weight or you cant. but if you keep this then it should measure your accuracy not the abillaty to pull the string.
next weapon master.....i think should be changed to weapon mastery thus directly refering to you abilaty to use a weapon or weapons. this is where ther should be a sub list of all the different weapons. each weapon has its own feel and heft there for each weapon has to be handled differently. and of course the more you use the particular weapon the better you get at using it . since this is a combat sim then lets get to the real simulations just because you can swing a short sword dosnt mean you can be efficient with a broad sword but the more you use any sword the more adept you are with that class of weapon. so the short of it is this you could develope the use of one weapon to a super fine artist edge or you could be a reasonalble master at arms with several weapons. and your weapon mastery score would reflect the class of weapon you are strongest in and not a score per say. for example you have used the nordic sword as your main weapon since you started and have a rating of 75% mastery but youve used a short and a few times youve use a broad but have never picked up a pole arm or bow then your weapon mastery would be :weapon mastery swords nordic 75 with a 100 being a perfect score. or you have used a little of every weapon in the game all the time just to keep it balanced ( i dont know why some one would do this) then your mastery would be : weapon mastery all (which ever weapon happens to have the highest score.
next is shield fairly simple you advance this by useing a shield. and exp is based on sucesful blocks. the benifit would be the abilaty to block better with any shield giving a % reduction in shield damage. and maybe at higher lvls you could learn to use you shield as a weapon as well. .
next is athletics.....this is another i feel could be eliminated by just using your agi. stat. but if kept then maybe it could be used as a rating of how fast you can actually move. i dont know just an idea.
next ride .....i think this should be changed to equestrian ( just for some class) but advancement should come from actually riding a horse....and maybe a sub list for abillaty to ride different horses and for different personalitys ie swayback lame normal heavy and spirited with stubborn being very dificult to master.
horse archery this simpley would be actually firing a bow or crossbow or throwing a weapon from horse back.
next is trainning this should be directly related to your vast knowledge or lack of it. if you know something then you can teach it if you dont well cant. the out come of your class could be related to you int. for the quality of the knowledge learnd by your students.
next is traking and on and on and on i think you get the idea by now of what im saying. if we gain any advancements they should be from direct use not a pool of point. now as for lvls this could be done by the number of total points you have in your skills. for instance once you have 10 skill points you could go from lvl 0 pesant to a lvl 1 troop for example and at every lvl up you can have the coveted skill point to add to your 10 any where you want to put it. this is just an example but i felt i needed to express it. thanks for listening
i have been watching the growth of my char and i see some small needs. i was wondering if you would consider using a skill based exp setup? since we are looking for realisim in this game, wouldnt it be closer to "real" by haveing the skills you use actually do the advancing.
lets look at the chr stats first.
str. this could advance by your use of weapons and heavy armor so every action you gain exp toward you str improvement.
agi. this could be advanced by your use of some weapons but more of thrown and bow use as well as running
int. you could get creative with this by adding books and "schools" for your improvement as well as field exp
cha. this can be advanced by your actions and interactions with others your bartering and haggleing in shops and the such.
all of your base stats should of course affect your skills but i allso think ther should be at least 2 more added and those being constitution and dexterity. imo.
now on to the skills.
first skill i consider is your hit points. this should be a guide of how tough you are .....right? well then i think every time you take damage you should slowly start to get tougher. for example you start wtih lets say 20 hp every point of damage you take could translate into exp for your hit points. so to go from 20 to 21 lets say you need 100 exp which means you need to take 100 points of damage to advance. just an example.
next is iron skin this could be eliminated with the use of the previous example
next is power strike if you keep this i think this should be hard earned by gaining a pre-set number of max damage strikes. and that number should be rather high lets say to go from 0 to 1 you need 200 max damge strikes but the reward should be fair but not over powering. lets say a bonus 2 points of damage or 5% for example.
next power throw this should as well measure you distance and accuracy of the thrown weapon not so much the abilaty to use the weapon.
next power draw ............i dont really like this skill because i feel that your str should determine this abillaty. either you can pull the draw weight or you cant. but if you keep this then it should measure your accuracy not the abillaty to pull the string.
next weapon master.....i think should be changed to weapon mastery thus directly refering to you abilaty to use a weapon or weapons. this is where ther should be a sub list of all the different weapons. each weapon has its own feel and heft there for each weapon has to be handled differently. and of course the more you use the particular weapon the better you get at using it . since this is a combat sim then lets get to the real simulations just because you can swing a short sword dosnt mean you can be efficient with a broad sword but the more you use any sword the more adept you are with that class of weapon. so the short of it is this you could develope the use of one weapon to a super fine artist edge or you could be a reasonalble master at arms with several weapons. and your weapon mastery score would reflect the class of weapon you are strongest in and not a score per say. for example you have used the nordic sword as your main weapon since you started and have a rating of 75% mastery but youve used a short and a few times youve use a broad but have never picked up a pole arm or bow then your weapon mastery would be :weapon mastery swords nordic 75 with a 100 being a perfect score. or you have used a little of every weapon in the game all the time just to keep it balanced ( i dont know why some one would do this) then your mastery would be : weapon mastery all (which ever weapon happens to have the highest score.
next is shield fairly simple you advance this by useing a shield. and exp is based on sucesful blocks. the benifit would be the abilaty to block better with any shield giving a % reduction in shield damage. and maybe at higher lvls you could learn to use you shield as a weapon as well. .
next is athletics.....this is another i feel could be eliminated by just using your agi. stat. but if kept then maybe it could be used as a rating of how fast you can actually move. i dont know just an idea.
next ride .....i think this should be changed to equestrian ( just for some class) but advancement should come from actually riding a horse....and maybe a sub list for abillaty to ride different horses and for different personalitys ie swayback lame normal heavy and spirited with stubborn being very dificult to master.
horse archery this simpley would be actually firing a bow or crossbow or throwing a weapon from horse back.
next is trainning this should be directly related to your vast knowledge or lack of it. if you know something then you can teach it if you dont well cant. the out come of your class could be related to you int. for the quality of the knowledge learnd by your students.
next is traking and on and on and on i think you get the idea by now of what im saying. if we gain any advancements they should be from direct use not a pool of point. now as for lvls this could be done by the number of total points you have in your skills. for instance once you have 10 skill points you could go from lvl 0 pesant to a lvl 1 troop for example and at every lvl up you can have the coveted skill point to add to your 10 any where you want to put it. this is just an example but i felt i needed to express it. thanks for listening