I got it to work...This might help some of you.

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I was having a problem with the updated version of M&B. My system would reboot everytime i went to run the program. I came on here a couple times to see if there was a fix. Apparently there were some other people with the same problem. Well, i found a fix. It seems i was running an older version of direct x. I downloaded direct x 9c. Now i can run the game. If some of you have had this problem, try downloading the newer version of direct x. Hope it works.
Welcome to the forums, DarNoor. :smile:

Thanks for the advice! I have actually been reminding people to check their DirectX version and update to 9.0c for a fair amount of time now. With this affirmation that DirectX is often the problem ... I'll make sure to remind people, though. :grin:

Thanks much and hope to see you around the forums,

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