i dreamt of oKin!? wtf

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Sergeant at Arms
Old Guard
yea, thats how it is. though in my dream you had some spanish name. you were a really good-looking guy, but then you ended up in the same hospital room as me.
the doctor wanted to keep you there for 5 years. he wanted to give you artifial limbs and erm, imagine.
you were not sure if you wanted to stay that long.
well i got a sprained wrinkle, thats why i was there. the doctor didnt say anything about me, so i supposed i was to stay there as long.
the same evening we went out to get food/party/girls. well, you got the food and the girls, i was merely sitting and watching things happen. aw, man, how youre supposed to get all the girls even without any limbs??
well, before we went partying (or back to the hospital) i woke up.
i dont think i missed much, as it would have been all the same i suppose.

this is just to let you know how strange dreams can get (now if i just remember oKins name, that was a strange and cool name for sure...)
Pharaoh Llandy said:
You are weird. Definately weird.

thats exactly what i hear when i tell people about stuff about me. you never really get used to it...

Janus said:
Yes, dreams can be strange. Umm, thank you for sharing. And stuff.

yep, theres no way to dream the way you like.
in the end, all that dreams are for is for letting you sleep better.
but sometimes it just doesnt work. you wake up and wonder what the hell you just dreamt, sometimes you even feel like sharing it with zillions of other people in a forum of the most played and loved game.
We don't need freaks like you here. GET OUT OF MY FORUM.

Haha just kidding. We're all kinda weird so you fit in just fine.
Laurence of Arabia said:
Jesus, when are these dream threads going to end!
Do you not realize, Neo, that this world is a dream?

Uh, nevermind. :smile:

Oh, and a (semi)serious answer to your question: obviously not quite yet. :roll:

Lost-Lamb said:
Noooooooo :roll:
So a certain other person is on a roll then, I take it. :smile:
it would seem i have figured out the most common way of getting a title... say something realy realy stupid or make something... realy realy stupid
Milk Drinking ava--
*stops choking on rage long enough to speak*
MILK DRINKING AVATAR!!!!!!!!??????????
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