I Don't Run From Danger!

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I walk ... very fast.

Any of you miscreants have a character that can get out of trouble as fast as he can get into it?

I mean, anyone spend 8 points on Athletics skill and can you now run like the wind?

What's the minimum Athletics skill level that you noticed your foot speed?

What effect does being encumbered with chainmail etc have?
i got atheletics 6 at the moment and it is quite enough for the situations when i get unmounted and have to run to my baggage to get that glaive.
Ive got 8, full black, you can even out run the opeasants who have no armour, and when you have nothin on you, you can run as fast as a horse (saddle horses, not coursers)
you can run as fast as a horse (saddle horses, not coursers)

hehe, that would be an interested situation. Maybe if you put enough points to it, you could charge and knock people over like a horse as well :razz::grin:
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