I don´t understand the gold...

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the way the money in this game is handled extremely weird and confusing to me.
For example: I spend my beginning gold of 1000 on stuff, and have 130 or something left.
Now when I´m alive "130" is shown. So far so good.
But when I now open the equipment section, the price of my equipment is shown in red
as in "you can´t afford this!" though I already bought it  :mad:
And when I die it will show "1000" gold, no matter that I already killed some people and been killed some times so the amount of gold in my possesion must have changed.
Am I not getting something or is this just a horrible, horrible interface?

I really don´t understand the sense behind this system.

Also, sometimes when I play I seem to lose equipment when I die, I suspect it is because I lose money upon death- but it has happened only sometimes, not very often. Is this handled differently by each server or what?
When the price is shown in red, it means you can not afford it, and game will choose the best items fit for the money you have. When you kill, you earn money; when you die, you lose money. If it shows red, it means you didn't make money, or lost the money you've earned after death.

[quote author=Innsmouth]Also, sometimes when I play I seem to lose equipment when I die, I suspect it is because I lose money upon death- but it has happened only sometimes, not very often. Is this handled differently by each server or what?[/quote]
As I said, when you die, you do not lose the items but as you lose gold and you can't afford some of the items, game chooses them automatically.
It's kind of a weird system.

Basically, everytime you die you loose your current equipment and get a percentage of gold back. (I think its like 20 percent of the value of the stuff that you lost upon death)

If you stay alive, you won't have to repay for equipment that you already had. However, the equipment screen does not show what you need to pay for or not. It will just give the full price.
If you remove equipment that you had previously bought you get the money back from it.
So you can easily switch class or equipment without loosing money.

You also get to keep items that you "looted" in a round (when you survive), note that this may override what you have selected in your equipment.
if you have for example a spear, sword, shield and a set of javelins... and you drop spend all of your javs and pick up war darts... if you survived you won't get javelins next round, but war darts instead. ( unless you dropped them)

There is also an extra rule when it comes to gold, and that is if your total equipmentcost (including already bought items) is equal to or less than 1000 you automaticly get extra money to pay for it.
Note that this does not give you extra money, it jus't makes sure that if you don't have any money you can always spend up to a 1000.
But you can't upgrade your current equipment from the previous round with another 1000, unless your previous equipment's cost was 0 in other words, only free stuff.

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