Sergeant at Arms

In english class we've been doing some american culture (as opposed to british culture in former classes) and i had to stand lots of "lol they have cool hummer limos" from the other kids (which i will call "The brainwashed mass" from now on), but so far it was ok, i'm getting used to The Brainwashed Mass when it comes to cars and ecology.
Then there was this paper talking about the end of suburbia. Man, how excited i was when i saw the title. "Finally something interesting, better than The Brainwashed Mass drooling over the fatlards' big houses", i thought. Then i read that piece of paper-shaped ****.
Basically the thing that wrotte that text started introducing the problems with suburbia, and how they're linked to the american dream. The word SUV shows up once. He says world's running outta oil and they're not going to be able to keep living with big houses, big cars, big hamburgers, far from their big cities where they work. So far it was good, "This guy is gonna give a solution to the problem, by telling people to go work nexxt to their workplaces, etc..." i thought althought the lack of the word "pollution" in a whole paragraph about oil burning made me have doubts.
Doubts confirmed. Last paragraph ends with "How are we going to prevent the end of Suburbia?". I felt like i could ragequit from human society at that moment. This text shows such a high level of egoïsm that i just... couldn't... ****ing.... STAND IT MOTHER****ING **** OVER 9000!!!! This wasn't my first reaction, at first i thought we were going to bash the autor of this text, that we would intellectually gangbang him. But no, our teacher is a consummerist ***** who dreams of living in suburbia, instead they said the text was "pessimistic" because the autor expressed his fear that OH NO SUBURBIA IS GONNA END APOCALYPSE D:.
I just ****ing hate the positive feelings people have towards this kind of system, people who decide to go "raise a family", stop working, get a big "family" car and go live in a huge climatized house 60km away from the place they have to go to work every morning and come back every night.
It's... despair. Nothing to do. I now secretly hope for the end of oil, for Earth to become a living hell, for all those dreams to vanish before the crude reality.
So, let's start an american dream bashing thread?
Then there was this paper talking about the end of suburbia. Man, how excited i was when i saw the title. "Finally something interesting, better than The Brainwashed Mass drooling over the fatlards' big houses", i thought. Then i read that piece of paper-shaped ****.
Basically the thing that wrotte that text started introducing the problems with suburbia, and how they're linked to the american dream. The word SUV shows up once. He says world's running outta oil and they're not going to be able to keep living with big houses, big cars, big hamburgers, far from their big cities where they work. So far it was good, "This guy is gonna give a solution to the problem, by telling people to go work nexxt to their workplaces, etc..." i thought althought the lack of the word "pollution" in a whole paragraph about oil burning made me have doubts.
Doubts confirmed. Last paragraph ends with "How are we going to prevent the end of Suburbia?". I felt like i could ragequit from human society at that moment. This text shows such a high level of egoïsm that i just... couldn't... ****ing.... STAND IT MOTHER****ING **** OVER 9000!!!! This wasn't my first reaction, at first i thought we were going to bash the autor of this text, that we would intellectually gangbang him. But no, our teacher is a consummerist ***** who dreams of living in suburbia, instead they said the text was "pessimistic" because the autor expressed his fear that OH NO SUBURBIA IS GONNA END APOCALYPSE D:.
I just ****ing hate the positive feelings people have towards this kind of system, people who decide to go "raise a family", stop working, get a big "family" car and go live in a huge climatized house 60km away from the place they have to go to work every morning and come back every night.
It's... despair. Nothing to do. I now secretly hope for the end of oil, for Earth to become a living hell, for all those dreams to vanish before the crude reality.
So, let's start an american dream bashing thread?