i can't change color or name for my kingdom

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Sergeant at Arms
about the color i just hate the defult color hate it the orange brown so how can i change it?
and about the name it's written there to change
and i've seen somewhere to replace the number 0 by 1
but there allready was 1 twice
so i've change only the names
I think colour should be like this:
Go to your town -> "manage your kingdom" -> change your kindom's colour
yes it is
only that when i post it i still havn't cupture a town
just a castle so i didn't see this option

is there any special way to loot an ivory bow
i've tried to run over the ivory archer with my horse though they won't die just wound
and still i could just take them as a prisoner not take them equipment
so is there someway to loot it or that it just randomize?

Just get your looting skill to max and go soloing Ivory guards :smile: You're bound to loot it sooner or later.
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