I can't believe I'm making a thread about this.....

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Worbah said:
xXxkittyfighterxXx said:
i no this may seem stupid but where do you find borcha i look all over for him, but i cant find him :sad: :sad: :sad: . oh and by the way i think this topic is pretty gay

Read the FAQs for christs sake. And you shouldn't come here talking about gay, your avatar is a halfnaked guy riding a horse.

Worbah, my Finnish friend, is that what you really think about that avatar? Seems to me a little bit familiar as one I used to use before I left Caladria tired of the endless killing. Sometimes we can't go home again.
Lost-Lamb said:
holybandit said:
xXxkittyfighterxXx said:
i no this may seem stupid but where do you find borcha i look all over for him, but i cant find him :sad: :sad: :sad: . oh and by the way i think I'm pretty gay

Behave man -LL

i didnt put that
Nice one :grin: care to explain yourself HolybanditxXxKittenfighterxXxWymn?


PS. Feel free to do it in PM and after that I'll delete the posts conserning this ordeal if you wish

Unless there are three people in your household all signed up on taleworlds, you fool. In fact, your still a fool even if there are, as that means a) You gave someone your acccount password
b) You had it on auto login, on a shared computer.

It was the famous avatar of Jonathan riding a saddle horse, waving with a black stick to some Swadians, saying "follow me to Zendar!"
Lhorkan said:
It was the famous avatar of Jonathan riding a saddle horse, waving with a black stick to some Swadians, saying "follow me to Zendar!"

Yes, that was me, wasn't it? "Follow me to Zendar!" I'd say and then lose every single bast@rd that joined my warparty. C'est la guerre.

Still waiting for M&B to bring forth something new.

Be back in a couple of weeks.
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