I can't believe I'm making a thread about this.....

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This is another one of those late night thoughts when your're staring blankly at the screen wondering why you haven't gone to bed....
Has anyone else noticed that if you abbreviate Marnid and Borcha's names you end up with M&B which is also the abbreviation for Mount and Blade? Coincidence? I think not..... :lol:

P.S. If there is a duplicate thread for this topic then I will happily charge into the next group of Dark Knights unarmed, giggling helplessly and muttering "There was another post, Grommit, another post!"
No, is a good observation...

Marnid & Borcha's Grand Adventure...


BTW, in internet this game is better known as M&B only.
I take M&B to mean mount bashing. This is why I enjoy riding horses off cliffs and other such things.
i no this may seem stupid but where do you find borcha i look all over for him, but i cant find him :sad: :sad: :sad: . oh and by the way i think I'm pretty gay

Behave man -LL
To actually group Borcha it's a bug, you need to delete your savegame, quit and unistall the game. Then run the game and you will find him near Marnid.
xXxkittyfighterxXx said:
i no this may seem stupid but where do you find borcha i look all over for him, but i cant find him :sad: :sad: :sad: . oh and by the way i think this topic is pretty gay

Read the FAQs for christs sake. And you shouldn't come here talking about gay, your avatar is a halfnaked guy riding a horse.
xXxkittyfighterxXx said:
i no this may seem stupid but where do you find borcha i look all over for him, but i cant find him :sad: :sad: :sad: . oh and by the way i think I'm pretty gay

Behave man -LL

You are pretty gay, or you are a pretty gay? You know, if it's the latter, I have some Mandingo friends who may wish to know you.
:lol: Been to busy playing the game to reply in my own thread!
1st of all, Daimyo ROFL
2nd xXxkittyfighterxXx you may have one of the rare instances where you have to re-format your hard drive, reinstall windows and then M&B to get Borcha to appear. But, before you do, go to the Mount and Blade Discussion area and read every thread from start to finish on all 25 or so pages and just check and see what you may have missed when looking for him.
Lastly as to names, I'm going for Mayhem & Blood, with Moron & Biatch running a close 2nd! :twisted:
Maynard and Boysnatch. Iunno how I came up with those.

And kittyfighter. While my opinion may be weighed on the fact that I do enjoy a good flame war, I support Daimyo on the fact that your message was a great representation of how much I am mentally superior to you.
Fluffy, how long have you had a doomsday counter on your sig? I'm hurtin' myself laughing. Got this mental image of you having a clock next to your computer that you set to 5 minutes to midnight whenever you post a nasty message in the forum. Then after you haven't cursed at an idiot for a while you gradually set the minute hand further back.
Now theres an idea for a forum utility program, it scans your message for "flame content" and shows you a floating doomsday clock....Flashes "danger Will Robinson, ban imminent" etc after a particularly vitriolic (hey its a big word for me too :wink: ) flame attack.... :lol: :lol:

Oh no approaching smiley limit, alert alert :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
holybandit said:
xXxkittyfighterxXx said:
i no this may seem stupid but where do you find borcha i look all over for him, but i cant find him :sad: :sad: :sad: . oh and by the way i think I'm pretty gay

Behave man -LL

i didnt put that
Nice one :grin: care to explain yourself HolybanditxXxKittenfighterxXxWymn?


PS. Feel free to do it in PM and after that I'll delete the posts conserning this ordeal if you wish
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