I asked ChatGPT . . . about Bannerlord

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To make AI more sophisticated in a large battle scenario in a game like Mount and Blade: Bannerlord, you can consider the following approaches:

  1. Tactical decision-making: Develop AI algorithms that enable NPCs to make strategic decisions based on their role, abilities, and the current battle situation. This includes deciding when to attack, retreat, flank, or use special abilities. Consider implementing decision trees, finite state machines, or other AI techniques to guide their behavior.
  2. Group coordination: Enable AI-controlled units to coordinate their actions and work together as a group. Implement formations, such as shield walls or spear walls, that units can organize themselves into based on the battle situation. AI units should be aware of their position in the formation, adjust their actions accordingly, and respond to commands from the player or their designated leaders.
  3. Target prioritization: Implement AI logic that helps NPCs prioritize their targets based on factors like threat level, proximity, or importance. For example, archers should target high-value enemies or those posing the greatest threat to their allies. AI units should dynamically assess the battlefield and adjust their targeting accordingly.
  4. Adaptive behavior: Create AI that can adapt to changing circumstances during battle. This includes reacting to the player's tactics, adjusting their strategies based on the terrain or environment, and recognizing and exploiting weaknesses in the player's defenses.
  5. Communication and signaling: Allow AI units to communicate with each other through visual or auditory cues, indicating their intentions, targets, or requests for support. This can help create a more immersive and realistic battle experience.
  6. Flanking and maneuvering: Develop AI algorithms that enable units to flank the player or other AI-controlled factions. This requires them to assess the battlefield, identify weak points in the enemy's formation, and execute coordinated movements to exploit those weaknesses. Implement pathfinding algorithms that allow AI units to navigate complex terrains efficiently.
  7. Morale and leadership: Incorporate morale mechanics that affect AI behavior. Implement systems where AI units' morale can be influenced by factors such as casualties, the presence of leaders, or battlefield events. Units with high morale should fight more effectively, while low morale can lead to disorganization or retreat.
  8. Awareness of battlefield conditions: Provide AI units with awareness of the overall battlefield conditions. They should be able to recognize changes in the battle situation, such as the arrival of reinforcements or the loss of key objectives and adjust their behavior accordingly.
  9. Learning and adaptation: Consider implementing machine learning techniques to allow AI units to learn from their experiences and improve their performance over time. This can enable them to adapt to player tactics and develop counter-strategies.
Remember that implementing sophisticated AI in large battles can be challenging and computationally demanding. Balancing the AI's capabilities with the player's experience is crucial to maintain an enjoyable gameplay experience. Iterative testing, tweaking, and player feedback will be essential to fine-tune the AI behavior in large-scale battles.
To make AI more sophisticated in siege battles in a game like Mount and Blade: Bannerlord, you can consider the following approaches:

  1. Siege tactics and strategy: Develop AI algorithms that enable NPCs to plan and execute effective siege tactics. This includes setting up siege equipment, breaching walls, coordinating assaults, and defending against counterattacks. Implement decision-making processes that consider factors like the strength of defenses, available resources, and the overall battle situation.
  2. Intelligent use of siege equipment: Teach AI units to use siege equipment strategically. They should prioritize targets such as walls, gates, or defensive structures, and employ appropriate tactics to breach or neutralize them. AI units should also consider the vulnerability of their own siege equipment and protect it from enemy attacks.
  3. Defensive strategies: Enable AI-controlled factions to effectively defend against sieges. AI units should position themselves strategically, set up defensive structures, and adapt their defense based on the player's tactics. They should be able to organize counterattacks and repel enemy forces from breaching the walls or capturing key locations.
  4. Dynamic fortification repair: Allow AI units to repair damaged fortifications during a siege. This can include patching up breached walls, reinforcing gates, or repairing defensive structures. The AI should prioritize repairs based on the urgency and importance of the damaged structures.
  5. Multi-stage sieges: Implement multi-stage sieges that involve different phases, such as breaching outer walls, capturing inner courtyards, or securing the keep. The AI should adapt its strategies and tactics accordingly, shifting focus as the battle progresses.
  6. Command hierarchy: Introduce a command hierarchy for AI units during sieges. Units should follow the orders of their leaders, coordinating their actions and responding to changing circumstances. The hierarchy can include officers, sergeants, or specialized units that play leadership roles and influence the behavior of their subordinates.
  7. AI-controlled siege commanders: Assign AI-controlled commanders to lead the assault or defense during sieges. These commanders should exhibit intelligent decision-making, issue orders to their subordinates, and adapt their strategies based on the changing battle conditions. The AI commanders can have unique personalities or tactics, adding depth and variety to siege battles.
  8. Psychological warfare: Consider implementing psychological warfare tactics during sieges. AI units can use intimidation, taunting, or other methods to weaken the morale of the defenders or demoralize the attackers. This can add another layer of realism and strategic complexity to siege battles.
  9. Adaptive AI behavior: Enable AI units to adapt their tactics based on the player's actions. If the player consistently employs certain strategies or exploits weaknesses, the AI should adjust its defenses or counterattacks accordingly. This adaptive behavior keeps the siege battles challenging and encourages players to vary their approaches.
  10. Learning algorithms: Incorporate machine learning algorithms to allow AI units to learn from past siege battles and improve their performance over time. This can include analyzing player behavior, identifying successful tactics, and adapting their own strategies accordingly.
Remember that creating sophisticated AI for siege battles requires careful balancing and testing. It's important to ensure that the AI provides a challenging and engaging experience for the player while still being fair and enjoyable. Iterative development, player feedback, and extensive playtesting will be essential in refining the AI behavior in siege scenarios.
  1. Diplomatic options: Implement a range of diplomatic options that allow players to interact with other factions and characters. This can include proposing treaties, alliances, trade agreements, non-aggression pacts, or even marriage alliances.
  2. Faction reputation: Create a reputation system that reflects the player's standing with different factions. The player's reputation should influence how factions perceive and respond to their diplomatic overtures. Reputation can be earned through actions such as completing quests, aiding factions in battles, or maintaining good relations with their vassals.
  3. Negotiation mechanics: Develop a negotiation system that enables players to engage in diplomatic discussions with AI-controlled characters. This can involve dialogue choices, persuasion checks, and skill-based interactions. Negotiations should consider factors such as the current state of the faction, the player's reputation, and the relative strength of the involved parties.
  4. Dynamic AI decision-making: Implement AI algorithms that simulate decision-making for NPCs in response to diplomatic proposals. The AI should evaluate the potential benefits and risks of accepting or rejecting offers based on their goals, relations with other factions, and the overall game situation.
  5. Treaties and agreements: Allow players to negotiate and establish treaties and agreements with other factions. These agreements can range from simple trade pacts to military alliances or even peace treaties. Implement mechanisms to enforce and monitor compliance with these agreements and provide consequences for violations.
  6. Conflict resolution: Provide mechanisms for peacefully resolving conflicts through diplomacy. This can include options for mediation, arbitration, or diplomatic missions. Successful conflict resolution can lead to improved relations and stability between factions.
  7. Faction relationships: Develop a system that tracks the relationships between factions and their leaders. Relationships should be influenced by actions, including treaties, trade, battles, or alliances. AI factions should remember past interactions and adjust their behavior and attitudes accordingly.
  8. Random events and crises: Introduce random events and crises that affect diplomatic relations. These can include rebellions, assassinations, or external invasions. Such events can create opportunities for diplomacy or strain relations between factions, requiring players to navigate through challenging situations.
  9. Player agency and consequences: Ensure that player choices and actions have meaningful consequences on diplomatic relations. The outcomes of diplomatic interactions should impact the player's reputation, faction relations, and the overall geopolitical landscape of the game world.
  10. Iterative testing and balancing: Continuously test and refine the diplomacy mechanics based on player feedback. Balance the effectiveness of different diplomatic options, AI decision-making, and the overall impact of diplomacy on gameplay to create a satisfying and engaging diplomatic system.
By implementing these elements, you can create a robust and immersive diplomacy system in Bannerlord, offering players diverse diplomatic strategies and meaningful interactions with AI-controlled factions and characters.
If you feel that the developers are not adequately listening to the community, it can be frustrating. However, there are still some actions you can take:

  1. Constructive and organized feedback: Gather the concerns and suggestions of the community and compile them into a concise and well-structured document. This can help highlight the community's collective voice and make it easier for developers to understand and address the issues raised.
  2. Petitions or open letters: Create a petition or an open letter that expresses the community's concerns and requests. Encourage fellow players to sign or support it. This can provide a more visible representation of the community's dissatisfaction and may attract the attention of the developers.
  3. Engage with influencers: Reach out to content creators, streamers, or influencers who have a significant following in the game's community. They can amplify the community's concerns and provide a platform for discussions. Influencers with connections to the developers may also be able to convey the feedback directly to them.
  4. Community initiatives: Organize community events, competitions, or initiatives that showcase the dedication and enthusiasm of the player base. This can demonstrate the community's investment in the game and its desire for progress. It may capture the attention of the developers and encourage them to engage more actively.
  5. Patience and perspective: Keep in mind that game development is a complex process, and addressing all community concerns may take time. Developers have to balance various factors, including technical limitations, resource allocation, and their own vision for the game. While it's important to voice concerns, it's also crucial to maintain patience and understanding.
  6. Explore alternative channels: Look for official developer channels beyond public forums or social media. Developers may have official communication platforms or support systems that provide a more direct line of communication. Utilize those channels to express your concerns and feedback directly to the developers.
  7. Consider community-led initiatives: If possible, explore community-led initiatives such as modding or fan-made content. These initiatives can help address some of the community's desires and expand the game experience while waiting for official updates or improvements.
Ultimately, it's important to remember that game development is a complex process, and developers have their own priorities and constraints. While it can be disheartening if the community feels unheard, maintaining a constructive and patient approach is more likely to yield positive results. Developers often value feedback and engagement from their player base, and community efforts can make a difference in the long run.
That reads like the minutes of an office meeting. Bannerlord already does most of this stuff, so unless it has some concrete techniques for what it's describing, it might as well be a document on how to maximise marketing reach.
Based on the points above when does the AI in bannerlord actually achieve the above goals? If you take Fian Archers against infantry does the AI adapt shield wall? No, it doesnt.
Ha! Thanks man good stuff. I think 5 bucks covered the 1st two and we all know about the pro/cons of relying on mods that are constantly having to deal with needing to be updated. Now i get that game devs cant be constrained by mods to dictate to them continued development but we are at such a base level of gaming in terms of lack of depth on almost any level that it is almost a certainty that mods are more of a necessity for just basic gameplay enjoyment than novel luxury.
Based on the points above when does the AI in bannerlord actually achieve the above goals? If you take Fian Archers against infantry does the AI adapt shield wall? No, it doesnt.

Can you be more specific? I used an 200 strong Fian army my last play through and I had to watch them whittle away the shields of the enemy infantry all the time lol.

Do you mean a static shield wall or something? I saw this sometimes but in general it's a losing idea for the AI, I would just bring my calvary around and smash into them.

I have also had a couple of battles where the would form a circle around their archers, so that happens too.

So this is a good example of a fallacy where you make it sound SO simple like "ha, just always do shield wall, dumb tale worlds!" when in reality there is a lot more factors than that.
I am really dissatisfied with the pace of development too but here is the thing with this post: almost anyone can make bullet points like this. Look, I can do it too:

1. Create a realistic relation between player actions and NPC reactions in a way that affects the sandbox.

Sounds great, you know what the problem is? Go ahead and program it. The problem with TW is not that they're out of ideas or dont know what to do with the game. The problem is that their "no deadlines" work ethic combined with the complexity of these tasks always puts these changes into the "too complex" territory. What I mean is, these points sound good to them too, but go ahead and invest money into the programmers, invest time and effort to write the code yourself if you think this is a problem of just "nobody thought of this earlier". This kind of abstract thinking about game mechanisms trivialises actual effort.

If you want a real answer, prompt ChatGPT to write you code for these features in Bannerlord engine. Than itll be something!
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I am really dissatisfied with the pace of development too but here is the thing with this post: almost anyone can make bullet points like this. Look, I can do it too:

1. Create a realistic relation between player actions and NPC reactions in a way that affects the sandbox.

Sounds great, you know what the problem is? Go ahead and program it. The problem with TW is not that they're out of ideas or dont know what to do with the game. The problem is that their "no deadlines" work ethic combined with the complexity of these tasks always puts these changes into the "too complex" territory. What I mean is, these points sound good to them too, but go ahead and invest money into the programmers, invest time and effort to write the code yourself if you think this is a problem of just "nobody thought of this earlier". This kind of abstract thinking about game mechanisms trivialises actual effort.

If you want a real answer, prompt ChatGPT to write you code for these features in Bannerlord engine. Than itll be something!
Give me a minute
I am really dissatisfied with the pace of development too but here is the thing with this post: almost anyone can make bullet points like this. Look, I can do it too:

1. Create a realistic relation between player actions and NPC reactions in a way that affects the sandbox.

Sounds great, you know what the problem is? Go ahead and program it. The problem with TW is not that they're out of ideas or dont know what to do with the game. The problem is that their "no deadlines" work ethic combined with the complexity of these tasks always puts these changes into the "too complex" territory. What I mean is, these points sound good to them too, but go ahead and invest money into the programmers, invest time and effort to write the code yourself if you think this is a problem of just "nobody thought of this earlier". This kind of abstract thinking about game mechanisms trivialises actual effort.

If you want a real answer, prompt ChatGPT to write you code for these features in Bannerlord engine. Than itll be something!
Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I don't have access to the specific code used in Mount and Blade: Bannerlord. The codebase for the game is not publicly available, and I cannot provide the exact implementation details for enabling the AI to create treaties and agreements in kingdom-level decisions.

*insert sad face
Now do a response in the POV of the devs, so we can pretend like TW has a CM.
Developer: Thank you for your feedback and criticism regarding Mount and Blade: Bannerlord. We appreciate the passion and dedication of our player community, and we understand that there are areas where the game can be improved. We value your insights and want to assure you that we are committed to making substantial progress on the game.

We acknowledge that game development is a complex and iterative process, and sometimes progress may not be as fast as desired. We want to assure you that our development team is working tirelessly to address various aspects of the game, including combat mechanics, AI behavior, economy, diplomacy, and siege battles. While it may take time to implement all the requested features and improvements, we are actively listening to community feedback and incorporating it into our development plans.

We have been actively engaging with the community through official forums, social media channels, and other communication platforms. Your feedback is vital in shaping the future of the game, and we encourage you to continue sharing your ideas, suggestions, and concerns. We understand that certain features and improvements may be highly anticipated, and we prioritize our development efforts based on technical feasibility, resource availability, and the overall vision of the game.

Please keep in mind that game development is a delicate balance between introducing new features, fixing bugs, optimizing performance, and maintaining stability. We strive to deliver a high-quality experience, and sometimes that means addressing underlying issues that may not be immediately apparent. We appreciate your patience as we work on these fundamental aspects to ensure a solid foundation for future updates.

We also want to emphasize our commitment to transparency and open communication. We will continue to provide regular updates on our progress, upcoming features, and addressing known issues. We encourage you to stay informed through official announcements, developer blogs, and community channels to get the latest information on the game's development.

Once again, we thank you for your feedback and for being a part of the Mount and Blade: Bannerlord community. We are dedicated to making the game the best it can be and providing you with an immersive and enjoyable experience. Your support and continued engagement are crucial as we move forward, and we look forward to sharing more exciting updates with you in the future.
Developer: Thank you for your feedback and criticism regarding Mount and Blade: Bannerlord. We appreciate the passion and dedication of our player community, and we understand that there are areas where the game can be improved. We value your insights and want to assure you that we are committed to making substantial progress on the game.

We acknowledge that game development is a complex and iterative process, and sometimes progress may not be as fast as desired. We want to assure you that our development team is working tirelessly to address various aspects of the game, including combat mechanics, AI behavior, economy, diplomacy, and siege battles. While it may take time to implement all the requested features and improvements, we are actively listening to community feedback and incorporating it into our development plans.

We have been actively engaging with the community through official forums, social media channels, and other communication platforms. Your feedback is vital in shaping the future of the game, and we encourage you to continue sharing your ideas, suggestions, and concerns. We understand that certain features and improvements may be highly anticipated, and we prioritize our development efforts based on technical feasibility, resource availability, and the overall vision of the game.

Please keep in mind that game development is a delicate balance between introducing new features, fixing bugs, optimizing performance, and maintaining stability. We strive to deliver a high-quality experience, and sometimes that means addressing underlying issues that may not be immediately apparent. We appreciate your patience as we work on these fundamental aspects to ensure a solid foundation for future updates.

We also want to emphasize our commitment to transparency and open communication. We will continue to provide regular updates on our progress, upcoming features, and addressing known issues. We encourage you to stay informed through official announcements, developer blogs, and community channels to get the latest information on the game's development.

Once again, we thank you for your feedback and for being a part of the Mount and Blade: Bannerlord community. We are dedicated to making the game the best it can be and providing you with an immersive and enjoyable experience. Your support and continued engagement are crucial as we move forward, and we look forward to sharing more exciting updates with you in the future.
Ah man...why does that sound EXACTLY like what they'd say before dumping anything in the trash...

Anyway,ask the A.I how we can ask the developers to show us a roadmap or tell us their plans and goals for the nearby future and if possible the extended one...
Developer: Thank you for your feedback and criticism regarding Mount and Blade: Bannerlord. We appreciate the passion and dedication of our player community, and we understand that there are areas where the game can be improved. We value your insights and want to assure you that we are committed to making substantial progress on the game.

We acknowledge that game development is a complex and iterative process, and sometimes progress may not be as fast as desired. We want to assure you that our development team is working tirelessly to address various aspects of the game, including combat mechanics, AI behavior, economy, diplomacy, and siege battles. While it may take time to implement all the requested features and improvements, we are actively listening to community feedback and incorporating it into our development plans.

We have been actively engaging with the community through official forums, social media channels, and other communication platforms. Your feedback is vital in shaping the future of the game, and we encourage you to continue sharing your ideas, suggestions, and concerns. We understand that certain features and improvements may be highly anticipated, and we prioritize our development efforts based on technical feasibility, resource availability, and the overall vision of the game.

Please keep in mind that game development is a delicate balance between introducing new features, fixing bugs, optimizing performance, and maintaining stability. We strive to deliver a high-quality experience, and sometimes that means addressing underlying issues that may not be immediately apparent. We appreciate your patience as we work on these fundamental aspects to ensure a solid foundation for future updates.

We also want to emphasize our commitment to transparency and open communication. We will continue to provide regular updates on our progress, upcoming features, and addressing known issues. We encourage you to stay informed through official announcements, developer blogs, and community channels to get the latest information on the game's development.

Once again, we thank you for your feedback and for being a part of the Mount and Blade: Bannerlord community. We are dedicated to making the game the best it can be and providing you with an immersive and enjoyable experience. Your support and continued engagement are crucial as we move forward, and we look forward to sharing more exciting updates with you in the future.
HAHAHA this absolutely wrong because Taleworlds NEVER said thanks for your feedback, never said "we understand there's areas where it can be improved" and basically never acknowledged the community in any regard and just plain hates us.
I honestly believe it would be better if Bannerlord had no diplomacy instead of the catastrophy we're currently have to suffer. I've never seen a worse diplomacy system in my life, so why even bother? There are plenty of fantastic strategy games that have precisely 0 diplomacy (for example, "Heroes of Might and Magic" ), so it's not like having it is a requirement for making a good product.

Instead, make it possible to setup up "teams" like in HoMM, or just chaotic free-for-all. This would allow played to create scenarios like "United Empire vs the rest of Calradia". It's not the most amazing thing in history of video games, but it would be way better than what we're currently experiencing
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Improving Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is a subjective task, as different players may have varying preferences and expectations. However, here are some general areas that could enhance the game:
  1. Bug fixing and performance optimization: Addressing bugs and optimizing performance is crucial for an enjoyable gaming experience. Continued efforts in bug fixing, stability improvements, and performance optimizations can make the game smoother and more enjoyable for players.
  2. Additional content and features: Expanding the game's content and features can provide more depth and variety. This could include introducing new quests, factions, weapons, armor, companions, and gameplay mechanics. Players appreciate fresh challenges and opportunities for exploration.
  3. Improved AI and battle mechanics: Enhancements to the game's artificial intelligence (AI) and battle mechanics can make combat encounters more engaging and realistic. Smarter enemy AI, improved unit formations, and better battle tactics can lead to more immersive and challenging battles.
  4. Streamlined user interface (UI): Enhancing the user interface can make the game more intuitive and easier to navigate. Improving the UI's organization, responsiveness, and visual clarity can enhance the overall user experience.
  5. Modding support: Further enhancing the modding capabilities and tools for Bannerlord can encourage the community to create even more diverse and creative mods. This empowers players to customize their experience and add new content to the game.
  6. Enhanced diplomacy and sandbox elements: Strengthening the diplomatic and sandbox aspects of the game can provide a deeper and more dynamic experience. Expanding upon the political system, allowing for more nuanced interactions with factions and lords, and providing players with more meaningful choices can increase the game's replayability.
  7. Continued community engagement: TaleWorlds Entertainment should maintain an active and transparent dialogue with the player community. Regular updates, addressing player concerns, and actively seeking feedback and suggestions can foster a strong player-developer relationship and ensure that the game evolves in a direction that aligns with the player base's desires.
It's important to note that these suggestions are not exhaustive, and improvements to any game are subjective. However, focusing on bug fixing, expanding content, refining mechanics, and engaging with the community are generally beneficial for enhancing a game like Bannerlord.
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