i 8(8th infantry) kungliga Upplands Regemente is a newly formed regiment of swedes. Currently consists of 28 members looking to grow into a fine line infantry regiment.
i 8 only wants people who are or at least speak swedish as commands and ts chatter will be in swedish. The goal is to gather swedish people who enjoy NW under one banner and participate in Line Battles. We do make expections to swedish only as we do speak english occasionally but remember that the main language is Swedish and so are the commands.
Upplands Regemente was active as an infantry regiment between 1626 and 1957 and was based at Uppsala Garnison.
The regiment consisted of two brigades, Upplandsbrigaden and västmanlandsbrigaden.
During earlier years and the 30 year war the regiment was very active around central europe and participated in several large and some famous battles amongst them: Warsaw and Lützen.
Steam: Kattmeister
Steam: krillep1
Hello! Due to there being too few swedish new joiners I8 Kungliga Upplands Regemente has joined with the 15th regiment of foot of the and created the prussian 13te(dreizehnte) Garde Grenadiers. Here is a link http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,238741.0.html
Contacts for the 13te Garde Grenadiers are:
Oberst: kattmeister
OberstLt: rdhardy