Hussite movement

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Good idea. This was very interesting period. And it could be quite fun to play. Imagine heavy maces, crossbows and heavy spiked flails against full plate armors. But the wagons camps will be difficult to incorporate.
But this belongs to modders. We can only hope that somebody with modding skills will pay attention to this.
By the way. Andrzej Sapkowski in Poland wrote novel "Narrenturm" about hussite wars (actually - he wrote two parts of the novel, I'm eagerly awaiting third). Hope it will be translated to Czech that you could enjoy. Great reading.
It was translated to Czech, I even held one copy, dubtful whether to buy or not.

I liked a lot his first novels in a book called "The Conjurer and The Silver Sword"

It was certainly high above the standard, unimaginative fantasy crowd. His characters were amazingly life-like, colorful, and full of emotions and his ways of describing swordfights were captivating. But then again, I was 19 when I read the book.

However, since then, I think it went downhill, each book slightly worse then its predecessor, and his saga seemed to me downright awfull toward the end. By the way, the movie based on the books was downright horrible.... no offense.

But I don't know, perhaps this book is different...
Too bad the Westerners know next to nothing about Hussites and the influential figures of that period. Zizka would be an excellent material for a computer game hero.
Well, I know the movie was horrible so no offence taken:smile:
His new novel is quite different. It's refreshing and fun. And loads lots of knowledge about late medieval Bohemia and Silesia (not Poland) and hussite wars. I have feeling this novel is also more mature comparing vs "Conjurer..." (in Poland called "Wiedzmin" - the witch killer in loose translation).
Well if you have chance I would recommend it to you.
It opened my eyes to hussites as I was almost ignorant in this subject. Now I have lot of respect to their fighting skills and warrior spirit.
Well I'm also afraid that hussite mod wish would remain in our dreams only...
Too bad..
Okay, I decided I will give the book a try.

But the Hussites - defeating the very best of Europe's nobility, mounted knights with the best equipment, mercenaries hardened in many battles?

And who were they? Peasants, craftsmen mostly, with crude peasant tools adapted for war. Flails, heavy wagons, mostly unarmored footmen, poorly equipped.

And they won battle after battle! Till Zizka was alive, they were never defeated in a battle. That was quite a feat, resisting the best of Catholic troops, blessed by the Pope.
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