Huscarls- Good or terrible? Siege problem.

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I was advised to use Huscarls in a siege. After a war with the Kergit started, I decided to go and help my kindom, the nords. After burning loads of villages I decided to take on a castle. My army consisted of 20 Rhodock sharpshooters, and 70 Huscarls. After a moment of the siege (I was firing arrows at the defenders), I got these messages:

Nord Huscarl killed by Khegit veteran archer
Nord Huscarl killed by Khegit veteran archer
Nord Huscarl killed by Khegit veteran archer
Nord Huscarl killed by Khegit veteran archer
Nord Huscarl killed by Khegit veteran archer
Nord Huscarl killed by Khegit veteran archer
Nord Huscarl killed by Khegit veteran archer
Nord Huscarl killed by Khegit veteran archer

And so forth. This message repeated 52 TIMES! My men were falling all around me. I had no choice but to retreat.

So, are Huscarls horrible or sieges, or just against Khergit archers?
The one thing Khergits are supposed to be good at is horse-archery. Without the horse, there's only archery and that's far easier. :lol: Huscies are still great for the attack, you just went against too many Veteran Horse Archers.  :razz:
naw, it's just you who sucks using huscarls xD
when i fight khergit vet horse archers in a siege with my huscarls, i just terminate them >< barely any losses with me, so you must be doing sumthing wong
Dudro said:
Or you're using half damage... :roll:
No, He is using half damage, unless the khergits are defending a ****ty castle with next to none vet horse archers, you are most likely going to get over half your troops in casualties, surgery will help lighten it though, best to just get lords to help.
Sounds kind of like a fluke to me. Against a defender with solid missile troops you can expect to take a fair number of casualties, but unless you're horribly outnumbered you should be ok with 70 Huscarls. I don't think I've ever used more than 50 or so at any one time myself, but never had a problem taking virtually anything with that number (along with supporting forces of course).

Edit: That's with full damage taken by both me and my troops; total difficulty of 73% or so.
I'd be willing to bet that you jumped into the battle low on the advantage pole and they had a lot more archers than you had Nords. Seeing that you only had 70 total troops is part of the problem. If you needed to retreat you're doing something absolutely wrong.
Thanks for the ideas.

I had 20 nord archers, 50 Huscarls and 20 nord veterans (didn't have time to train them up). Basically the most nord attack possible. The battle went a bit like this:

"Archers, hear me"
"Archers, fire at will"
"Infantry, hear me"
"Infantry, stand closer" I shouted this like 10 times
"Infantry, move ten paces forward"


The huscarls hold up their shields, but still the Khergit owned us.

Also, I think there was 102 defenders in the castle, and I had 91 attackers.
The khergits have brutal power draw, but your huscarls should still have broken through before you lost too many.
Tell your infantry to HOLD FIRE. Nords are idiots and like to pull out throwing axes, opening themselves to fire. Hold fire should keep them from using those throwing axes and getting pelted, I believe.

If you are an archer, go to the sides and pick off the crossfire. It's not the guys in front who hit you; it's the guys on the sides.

If you are not an archer, bring two shields, get up the ladder first, jump over the defenders and run to the archer towers. You need two shields to defend yourself from behind while you move to the tower as you will be exposed to fire from both sides. Once you distract one side's archers, your Huscarls should be able to break through the line. The stun from arrows REALLY slows down your troops.
It depends what type of castle you are atacking if they got towers wich can shoot along side the walls you are ****ed against the kerghits if those towers are not eliminated before you storm the castle.

Try another castle and come back for that one when your men are tough and many enough.
Millenium80 said:
Thanks for the ideas.

I had 20 nord archers, 50 Huscarls and 20 nord veterans (didn't have time to train them up). Basically the most nord attack possible. The battle went a bit like this:

"Archers, hear me"
"Archers, fire at will"
"Infantry, hear me"
"Infantry, stand closer" I shouted this like 10 times
"Infantry, move ten paces forward"


The huscarls hold up their shields, but still the Khergit owned us.

Also, I think there was 102 defenders in the castle, and I had 91 attackers.

That's your problem. lol You can't sit there during a siege. You need to order the archers to hold position near the front (they are going to fire arrows by default) and you need to order the Nords to Charge. Moving by paces does nothing in a siege. That's why they cut you down so fast.

Gamemako said:
If you are not an archer, bring two shields, get up the ladder first, jump over the defenders and run to the archer towers. You need two shields to defend yourself from behind while you move to the tower as you will be exposed to fire from both sides. Once you distract one side's archers, your Huscarls should be able to break through the line. The stun from arrows REALLY slows down your troops.

Shields on your back wont stop arrows. You need to bring the shield up to use it.
FrisianDude said:
A shield on the back DOES stop most of the damage of an arrow.

There's been many of discussions about this and the conclusion was that it didn't block damage. Unless you have a link to a demo/test that stated otherwise.
Lord Shields said:
FrisianDude said:
A shield on the back DOES stop most of the damage of an arrow.

There's been many of discussions about this and the conclusion was that it didn't block damage. Unless you have a link to a demo/test that stated otherwise.

A shield on the back of the player's character will block the arrow, a message will come up saying something like:

"Arrow blocked by shield"
with the reduced damage following it.

It's doesn't seem to work for the AI controlled characters though.
Swadius said:
Lord Shields said:
FrisianDude said:
A shield on the back DOES stop most of the damage of an arrow.

There's been many of discussions about this and the conclusion was that it didn't block damage. Unless you have a link to a demo/test that stated otherwise.

A shield on the back of the player's character will block the arrow, a message will come up saying something like:

"Arrow blocked by shield"
with the reduced damage following it.

It's doesn't seem to work for the AI controlled characters though.

How can people STILL be guessing the anwser to this?  :shock:

A shield on back does reduce damage taken when used by the player, or by AI. Perioid. Feel free to test yourselves. I know I ain't talking ****. Now everyone learn it and remember it so this discussion doesn't have to be discussed again.
Tyfedo said:
Swadius said:
Lord Shields said:
FrisianDude said:
A shield on the back DOES stop most of the damage of an arrow.

There's been many of discussions about this and the conclusion was that it didn't block damage. Unless you have a link to a demo/test that stated otherwise.

A shield on the back of the player's character will block the arrow, a message will come up saying something like:

"Arrow blocked by shield"
with the reduced damage following it.

It's doesn't seem to work for the AI controlled characters though.

How can people STILL be guessing the anwser to this?  :shock:

A shield on back does reduce damage taken when used by the player, or by AI. Perioid. Feel free to test yourselves. I know I ain't talking ****. Now everyone learn it and remember it so this discussion doesn't have to be discussed again.

Just last night I had 3 arrows sticking out the back of my shield... @ Normal damage, I would not have been standing w/o that shield on my back.  Did take damage from the arrows, but it was 8-12 dmg instead of 30-40

Millenium80 said:
Thanks for the ideas.

I had 20 nord archers, 50 Huscarls and 20 nord veterans (didn't have time to train them up). Basically the most nord attack possible. The battle went a bit like this:

"Archers, hear me"
"Archers, fire at will"
"Infantry, hear me"
"Infantry, stand closer" I shouted this like 10 times
"Infantry, move ten paces forward"


The huscarls hold up their shields, but still the Khergit owned us.

Also, I think there was 102 defenders in the castle, and I had 91 attackers.

Why the heck do you telling you Infantry to stand closer?  :shock: Loose their formation and archers will have lesser chance to hit as some arrows will get between your troops. Close formation means archers can just shoot into the bunch of men without aiming and still get 100% chance to hit.

Another thing. Keep in mind that Huscarl is simply the best fighter in game and they know how to survive and slaughter the enemy. You only need them to hold position and stand closer when you outnumbered by enemy cavalry. In any other case just tell them to charge and watch them clearing the battlefield (or castle) for you.
Millenium80 said:
Thanks for the ideas.

I had 20 nord archers, 50 Huscarls and 20 nord veterans (didn't have time to train them up). Basically the most nord attack possible. The battle went a bit like this:

"Archers, hear me"
"Archers, fire at will"
"Infantry, hear me"
"Infantry, stand closer" I shouted this like 10 times
"Infantry, move ten paces forward"


The huscarls hold up their shields, but still the Khergit owned us.

Also, I think there was 102 defenders in the castle, and I had 91 attackers.
That's your problem. Either don't give them commands, or tell them to charge. They will do fine. Also, make sure you get in there and kill some people. With full ally damage, and just letting them go ahead, I usually get the inverse of your messages.
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