Hunter Class Leadership Skill

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I just got the game and am a level 15 hunter, however i can't yet upgrade my leadership skill past level 2, limiting my party to 21.

Does anyone know what level i have to be to further upgrade this?

(sorry if this is written somewhere)
To have a larger party size you need more leadership. To get leadership you need charisma. You can click on the words in your character screen to see what they do and how other things effect them.

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Your leadership is a function of your charisma level, and the relationship is leadership can not be increased beyond 1/3 of your charisma level.

As noted, your character screen explains the relationships, click on the appropriate skill and in the upper right corner you'll see the text.
Yep, choose to increase "Charisma" when you go up a level. After you get enough points, you can choose to increase "leadership", as JohnathanStrange said:
Your leadership is a function of your charisma level, and the relationship is leadership can not be increased beyond 1/3 of your charisma level.
As far as I know, your leadership level cannot increase beyond 8, regardless of "Charisma" points.

You can get an extra troop for every "Charisma" point. You also get a certain number of troop slots for each "Leadership" level.
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