LSP Animations Human Motion Set

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HMS its the open source mocap data generated by Mixamo auto rigger and adapted to warband engine and skeleton.

Download: HumanMotionSet v1.0

Additional information:
  • Set contains skeleton animations and animation code.
  • Not all of set animations are used, you can view its in brf editor.
  • Set contains 33 motion clips and 20 idle clips
  • Set animation list:
  • Animation Structure:
["stand_single", 0, amf_client_prediction,
   [1.5, "tester", 0, 37, arf_use_stand_progress|arf_cyclic, 0, (0, 0, 0), 0.25],

Swyter said:
1. Total Animation Time In Seconds,
2. Skeletal Animation to pick from the loaded BRF tree.
3. These are the beginning and ending times (not frames) from the selected Skeletal Animation.
4. Animation Flags (Specified at / Configures blending time, if cyclic or not... bodypart enforcements.
5. Consolidates the following values into an binary digest.
6 & 7. References a real World coordinate movement. Not local. Check this.,65520.msg1703891.html
8. Animation Delay in Seconds

Demonstration Gifs:
Run animations improvement for all directions:



(Backward spear directions wip)

Different idle clips in random play, for some animations:


Standard man idle

You can use it without asking for my permission. Just remember to:
- use it for non-commercial purposes
- give credit
Does this somehow remove the animation for crushing with your horse? I get this mistake and I guess this could be caused by this OSP.

I guess there is a mistake in between:
 ["ride_0", acf_enforce_lowerbody, amf_client_prediction,
  ## [10.0, "anim_human", horse_move+2000, horse_move+2100, arf_cyclic],
  # [3.0, "anim_human_02", 600, 644, arf_cyclic],
##   [37.0, "stand_onhorse", 0, 1110, arf_cyclic],
##   [22.0, "stand_onhorse_sword", 0, 671, arf_cyclic],
   [15.0, "stand_onhorse", 0, 456, arf_cyclic],
 ["ride_1", acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse, amf_client_prediction,
   [1.0, "anim_human_02", 0, 31, arf_cyclic],
 ["lancer_ride_1", acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse, amf_client_prediction|amf_priority_ride|amf_play,
##   [0.8, "anim_human", horse_move+210, horse_move+250, arf_cyclic |  arf_blend_in_16],
   [1.0, "lancer_ride1", 0, 31, arf_cyclic],
 ["lancer_charge_parried",acf_enforce_lowerbody, amf_priority_parried|amf_use_weapon_speed|amf_play,
   [1.0, "anim_human", horse_move+210, horse_move+220, arf_blend_in_32],
 ["ride_2", acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse, amf_client_prediction,
   [0.8, "anim_human_02", 50, 69, arf_cyclic], 
 ["ride_3", acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse, amf_client_prediction,
   [0.6, "anim_human_02", 100, 116, arf_cyclic], 
 ["ride_4", acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse, amf_client_prediction,
   [0.5, "anim_human_02", 150, 165, arf_cyclic|arf_blend_in_32], 
# ["lancer_ride_4",  acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse | acf_rot_vertical_sword|acf_anim_length(100), 0,
#   [0.5, "anim_human", horse_move+610, horse_move+650, arf_cyclic | arf_blend_in_128], 
# ],
 ["lancer_ride_4",  acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse | acf_rot_vertical_sword|acf_anim_length(30), amf_rider_rot_couched_lance|amf_client_prediction|amf_priority_ride|amf_play,
   [0.5, "lancer_ride4", 0, 15, arf_cyclic | arf_blend_in_128], 
 ["lancer_ride_4_no_shield",  acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse | acf_rot_vertical_sword|acf_anim_length(30), amf_rider_rot_couched_lance|amf_client_prediction|amf_priority_ride|amf_play,
   [0.5, "lancer_ride4_no_shield", 0, 15, arf_cyclic | arf_blend_in_128], 
 ["ride_rear", acf_enforce_lowerbody|acf_ignore_slope, amf_priority_mount|amf_play|amf_client_prediction,
##   [1.4, "anim_human", horse_move+820, horse_move+837,  arf_blend_in_16],
##   [2.4, "anim_human", horse_move+820, horse_move+837,  arf_blend_in_16],
 ##  [1.7, "anim_human_02", 265, 297,  arf_blend_in_8],
 [1.2, "command", 0, 31,arf_cyclic|arf_use_stand_progress, 0, (0, 0, 0), 0.0],
 ["ride_spur", acf_enforce_lowerbody, amf_play|amf_priority_jump,
   [0.3, "anim_human", horse_move+860, horse_move+865,  arf_blend_in_8],
 ["ride_jump", acf_enforce_lowerbody, amf_client_prediction,
## [1.6, "anim_human_02", 400, 420,  arf_blend_in_16],
   [1.6, "anim_human_02", 205, 222,  arf_blend_in_4],#|arf_end_pos_0_25],
 ["ride_jump_end", acf_enforce_all, amf_client_prediction,
## [0.1, "anim_human", horse_move+935, horse_move+940,  arf_blend_in_16], 
## [0.3, "anim_human_02", 420, 424,  arf_blend_in_16],
   [0.1, "anim_human_02", 222, 224,  arf_blend_in_16],
 ["ride_turn_right", acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse, amf_client_prediction,
   [1.0, "anim_human_02", 500, 533, arf_cyclic],
 ["ride_turn_left", acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse, amf_client_prediction,
   [1.0, "anim_human_02", 450, 483, arf_cyclic], 
 ["mount_horse", acf_enforce_all, amf_priority_mount|amf_play|amf_client_prediction,
   [1.3, "anim_human", horse_move+1003, horse_move+1045,  arf_blend_in_1, 0, (0.0,0,0.0)],
 ["dismount_horse", acf_enforce_lowerbody|acf_displace_position, amf_priority_mount|amf_play|amf_accurate_body|amf_client_prediction,
   [1.1, "anim_human", horse_move+1103, horse_move+1145,  arf_blend_in_1, 0, (-0.5,0,0)],
 ["lancer_ride_0", acf_enforce_lowerbody, amf_priority_ride|amf_play|amf_client_prediction,
##   [4.0, "anim_human", horse_move + 5000, horse_move + 5057, arf_lancer|arf_cyclic],
   [43.0, "stand_onhorse_staff", 0, 1300, arf_lancer|arf_cyclic],

This is the way I fixed it (it's the code of Diplomacy's module system as it serfs as the root of my modification). Honestly I do not know if this is only my mistake, or if it is also a problem in your code.

 ["ride_0", acf_enforce_lowerbody, amf_client_prediction,
  ## [10.0, "anim_human", horse_move+2000, horse_move+2100, arf_cyclic],
  # [3.0, "anim_human_02", 600, 644, arf_cyclic],
##   [37.0, "stand_onhorse", 0, 1110, arf_cyclic],
##   [22.0, "stand_onhorse_sword", 0, 671, arf_cyclic],
   [15.0, "stand_onhorse", 0, 456, arf_cyclic],
 ["ride_1", acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse, amf_client_prediction,
   [1.0, "anim_human_02", 0, 31, arf_cyclic],
 ["lancer_ride_1", acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse, amf_client_prediction|amf_priority_ride|amf_play,
##   [0.8, "anim_human", horse_move+210, horse_move+250, arf_cyclic |  arf_blend_in_16],
   [1.0, "lancer_ride1", 0, 31, arf_cyclic],
 ["lancer_charge_parried",acf_enforce_lowerbody, amf_priority_parried|amf_use_weapon_speed|amf_play,
   [1.0, "anim_human", horse_move+210, horse_move+220, arf_blend_in_32],
 ["ride_2", acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse, amf_client_prediction,
   [0.8, "anim_human_02", 50, 69, arf_cyclic], 
 ["ride_3", acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse, amf_client_prediction,
   [0.6, "anim_human_02", 100, 116, arf_cyclic], 
 ["ride_4", acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse, amf_client_prediction,
   [0.5, "anim_human_02", 150, 165, arf_cyclic|arf_blend_in_32], 
# ["lancer_ride_4",  acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse | acf_rot_vertical_sword|acf_anim_length(100), 0,
#   [0.5, "anim_human", horse_move+610, horse_move+650, arf_cyclic | arf_blend_in_128], 
# ],
 ["lancer_ride_4",  acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse | acf_rot_vertical_sword|acf_anim_length(30), amf_rider_rot_couched_lance|amf_client_prediction|amf_priority_ride|amf_play,
   [0.5, "lancer_ride4", 0, 15, arf_cyclic | arf_blend_in_128], 
 ["lancer_ride_4_no_shield",  acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse | acf_rot_vertical_sword|acf_anim_length(30), amf_rider_rot_couched_lance|amf_client_prediction|amf_priority_ride|amf_play,
   [0.5, "lancer_ride4_no_shield", 0, 15, arf_cyclic | arf_blend_in_128], 
 ["ride_rear", acf_enforce_lowerbody|acf_ignore_slope, amf_priority_mount|amf_play|amf_client_prediction,
##   [1.4, "anim_human", horse_move+820, horse_move+837,  arf_blend_in_16],
##   [2.4, "anim_human", horse_move+820, horse_move+837,  arf_blend_in_16],
   [1.7, "anim_human_02", 265, 297,  arf_blend_in_8],
 ["ride_spur", acf_enforce_lowerbody, amf_play|amf_priority_jump,
   [0.3, "anim_human", horse_move+860, horse_move+865,  arf_blend_in_8],
 ["ride_jump", acf_enforce_lowerbody, amf_client_prediction,
## [1.6, "anim_human_02", 400, 420,  arf_blend_in_16],
   [1.6, "anim_human_02", 205, 222,  arf_blend_in_4],#|arf_end_pos_0_25],
 ["ride_jump_end", acf_enforce_all, amf_client_prediction,
## [0.1, "anim_human", horse_move+935, horse_move+940,  arf_blend_in_16], 
## [0.3, "anim_human_02", 420, 424,  arf_blend_in_16],
   [0.1, "anim_human_02", 222, 224,  arf_blend_in_16],
 ["ride_turn_right", acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse, amf_client_prediction,
   [1.0, "anim_human_02", 500, 533, arf_cyclic],
 ["ride_turn_left", acf_enforce_lowerbody | acf_synch_with_horse, amf_client_prediction,
   [1.0, "anim_human_02", 450, 483, arf_cyclic], 
 ["mount_horse", acf_enforce_all, amf_priority_mount|amf_play|amf_client_prediction,
   [1.3, "anim_human", horse_move+1003, horse_move+1045,  arf_blend_in_1, 0, (0.0,0,0.0)],
 ["dismount_horse", acf_enforce_lowerbody|acf_displace_position, amf_priority_mount|amf_play|amf_accurate_body|amf_client_prediction,
   [1.1, "anim_human", horse_move+1103, horse_move+1145,  arf_blend_in_1, 0, (-0.5,0,0)],
 ["lancer_ride_0", acf_enforce_lowerbody, amf_priority_ride|amf_play|amf_client_prediction,
##   [4.0, "anim_human", horse_move + 5000, horse_move + 5057, arf_lancer|arf_cyclic],
   [43.0, "stand_onhorse_staff", 0, 1300, arf_lancer|arf_cyclic],

I have no idea about animations, so maybe you want to take a look at it, if you have the same misstake :smile:
Last edited:
The problem are here

 ["ride_rear", acf_enforce_lowerbody|acf_ignore_slope, amf_priority_mount|amf_play|amf_client_prediction,
##  [1.7, "anim_human_02", 265, 297,  arf_blend_in_8],
[1.2, "command", 0, 31,arf_cyclic|arf_use_stand_progress, 0, (0, 0, 0), 0.0],

"Command" is missed animation which I removed from the pack but forgot to apparently remove from MS.
You fixed it by replacing it with the original

 [1.7, "anim_human_02", 265, 297, arf_blend_in_8],
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