HugeMod: What do YOU want to see in the next version?

Which things do you like best in the current version?

  • New Faces

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • New Hair Colors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • New Armors & Shields

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • New Horses

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • N00854180t Wins! Fatality! [Null Vote/Other, please specify in Comments thread or Request section]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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General Discussion About New Version

Alright, I've got some things planned for the next version of HugeMod, and I want to know what other things people need/want for new mods and what people would like to see in general.

If you can make what you're requesting to be included in HugeMod, please provide a link to your thread and/or downloads. New textures need not be in .tga format, but it would be helpful(i.e. if you properly fix the shininess, put them in .tga please. If you're not sure, just link to whatever you have(PNG, BMP, and other lossless formats only!)).

Here's what I have planned to include so far (I may miss some things that I've said I'd like to add in various threads, just remind me):

New character type: orcs, uruk-hai (including the for them)
New hair colors for female characters
New female faces
New armors and shields (re-textures)
New weapons (later versions will have new weapon models)

Please make your suggestions in the following format so I can load them into an XML file.


.:Type of Mod:.

Texture (Item/Horse/Whatever/Char Type)


Put a description of the mod request here, such as new armor, new horses etc. Other things can include new char types (male, female, undead, orc, uruk-hai etc.), can also include new textures for buildings (please be specific), whatever you'd like, within reason, if you're not sure say anyway.


Links to info about what you want included go here, and links to content you've made you're like included as well.


Your nick so I can contact your for more information or give credit for textures and such.


Comments and misc. this is so that people can talk through the thread without messing up my form. Just make sure non-mod related stuff is below the Comments line above.
Here's a version of the form all bbcoded up:

.:Type of Mod:.

Texture (Item/Horse/Whatever/Char Type)


Put a description of the mod request here, such as new armor, new horses etc. Other things can include new char types (male, female, undead, orc, uruk-hai etc.), can also include new textures for buildings (please be specific), whatever you'd like, within reason, if you're not sure say anyway.


Links to info about what you want included go here, and links to content you've made you're like included as well.


Your nick so I can contact your for more information or give credit for textures and such.


Comments and misc. this is so that people can talk through the thread without messing up my form. Just make sure non-mod related stuff is below the Comments line above.
.:Type of Mod:.

Misc. Added Items


Furniture for Dhorak Keep etc






LL edit: fixed template
.:Type of Mod:.



A couple recruiter NPCs so that units of all factions can be recruited for a price. They could either take unused space in random towns or you could cram them into Zendar and say that all units who are willing to fight as mercenaries congregate at it because it is nuetral.


Uh, I just made this up right now. I guess you could borrow most of the code from the hugemod recruiters.




Is there really a point to the above part of the form? It is on the post anyways. And I hope I filled out this form right.
.:Type of Mod:.



My only suggestion at the moment would be to go over the lost-lamb armor mod for anything that looks good. The chainmails would be nice (silver metal without the usual blue look). I might reinstall it and poke around for stuff to suggest.

And the orc body obviously if its done.

Not a high priority but if there are any good submissions of a series of blue/black tattoo faces (if anyone has some good ones) put into consecutive slots for use with certain npcs. I would keep the blue faces together and then the black paint faces together, etc. In case someone wants a specific look for a set of npcs.


error 404


eh, ancientwanker.


compfreak, hugemod does graphics and textures, not recruiters and stuff like that. At least so far.
.:Type of Mod:.

New Models/Textures


I want to see some knew knive's , Throwing knives too.

Since theres only 1 knife skin (i think) and its...not bad , but i want more.

Maybe some fancy looking throwing knives eh? :razz:






Edit LL: Template
.:Type of Mod:.



the trakehner, the famous prussian horse. It could be a very fast horse with easy manouverability, but with as few armor as the hunter.






Edit LL: Just Fixed it to be like n008s template, another thing you might want to do is to write what you want it to look like into the description
.:Type of Mod:.



I'd like a greater variety of faces. More types of darker skin tones, more eye colors, different types of scars.


I don't know if it helps much but there are a hell of a lot of face textures in Morrowind. It may give you some ideas.




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