How ?

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How do i upgrade my units faster ?

I mean,it takes like 3 battles with bandits to upgrade 1 or 2 of my recruits and a level 10 trainer doesn't help too much.

I battled alone a king with 300 units and and about 10 or 15 units were ready to upgrade.

Really? I upgrade recruits incredibly fast, what level are you? (and yeah that 10-15 ready to upgrade after a battle seems alright) if you want to hire better troops than recruits from villages you could always improve relations with them (with spies if you use those)
Training for the most part is a bit broken.  The most you can hope for is to get your peasant troops fully trained with a full companion troop and everyone full on trainer skill.  after that you're a bit SOL and will have to rely on upgrading after battles, hiring mercenaries, rescued prisoners, or if you're evil, hire bandit parties.

TBH this is probably intended.  for various reasons.  doesn't change too much that training is mostly useless.

My suggestion, and this will break the game, but just get a crap ton of money, go to a village and get it at max relation while throwing the excess troops at lords for relation or to beat them for loot, and then when every time you recruit from it you have a chance of getting a large amount of the highest tier troops for 10 scillings each.
This mod is not for those who want it all and they want it now. It takes more patience to upgrade your troops but you can do it with lots of fighting and good companions (the best I've seen is 2 000 000 pts of xp during the night so don't underestimate the importance of companion training). I run around with 900 heavies paying 90000 sc per week, it took me some time to get them but that's what is expected. You can't raise a good army in a week from ashes.

Fighting just bandits is a slow road at upgrading, they never have that many men resulting in low xp after the battles. Try fighting lords, they have more men bringing heavier fights and lots of xp for your troops.
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