How would you like to have it?

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I don't like to have guns or canons, dragons or that kind of things in the game, I want realistic middle age with swords and arrows just the way it is :smile:

How would you like to have it?
With modding, you can have it any way you like it :cool:

I like variety. Sometimes I want a realistic medieval combat game, sometimes I feel like blasting with a rifle or running down orcses. All depends on the mood of the moment.
Try looknig at the mods section, and reading the threads there, there is usual;y a link in the first post of the thread if the mod is availiable yet.
M&B is one of the best games I've ever played, but I would be really happy if this game had formations and regiments: Halberdiers and Heavy Crossbowmen in line formation, Feudal Knights in wedge formation and Teutonic Knights in square formation. That would be real medieval combat.
I agree with Bismarck, formations, even just simple ones, would be a great addition. Cavalry in a formed line charging, archers in a line, squared up heavy infantry and so on. And yes, I have a strong desire to yell out "Reform the line, reform the line, rally to me" while playing the Last Days mod with Rohan. Follow Me and Charge has to do the trick for now, but it's not as satisfying as it no doubt could be.

Armagan, simple and crude formations in 0.800 please. =)
M&B is one of the best games I've ever played, but I would be really happy if this game had formations and regiments: Halberdiers and Heavy Crossbowmen in line formation, Feudal Knights in wedge formation and Teutonic Knights in square formation. That would be real medieval combat.
I agree with Bismarck, formations, even just simple ones, would be a great addition. Cavalry in a formed line charging, archers in a line, squared up heavy infantry and so on. And yes, I have a strong desire to yell out "Reform the line, reform the line, rally to me" while playing the Last Days mod with Rohan. Follow Me and Charge has to do the trick for now, but it's not as satisfying as it no doubt could be.

Armagan, simple and crude formations in 0.800 please. =)
Oh and happy new year.
Actually, even if simple formations dont exist, the ability to differentiate between ranged, cavalry, and infantry would be amazingly helpful, as far as tactics go. The fighting engine is great, now rudimentary tactics being implemented would be... :twisted: no other real way to put it. Ability to choose starting units' placement on the map, order the groups seperately... It would make my year.
I think some kind of seige battle style would be good, even if it was only basic. Defend the village could be a simple round area with a crude wooden perimiter and only one choke point at the entry. Think basic and build off it.

@ sapi,

Oh Em Gee! Someone else from Brisbane! ^^
Well, before all you formation-people loose your grip on reality completely and start going on about cavalry, infantry and so on -regiments assuming different formations etc, let me just remind you that the battles are hardly going to have more than 40-50 soldiers per team, so it takes some of the spunge out of the whole formation-mania of yours to create, (And I quote.):

"...Cavalry in a formed line charging, archers in a line, squared up heavy infantry and so on", and:

"...Halberdiers and Heavy Crossbowmen in line formation, Feudal Knights in wedge formation and Teutonic Knights in square formation".

When the "Cavalry in a formed line charging" consists of five people, the "Archers in a line" consists of five to say, eight people and the stuff about those halberdiers etc... well, the men are often pretty much a mix when it comes to melee infantry and there aren't quite enough people of the same type to start dividing the formations into what weapons are used like that. If you ask me, which you haven't, the formations would rather be divided into broad types. Say, cavalry and infantry. Or perhaps cavalry, infantry and ranged. But then what about horse archers?! Coupled with the fact that a lot of soldiers carry two weapons of different class!

Get real, people! :eek: Even if you use the Battlesizechanger - module and crank it up to max, (And disable corpses so that the game won't CTD when there's more than about a hundred soldiers participating. :roll: ), the battles are probably never going to have as much as 414 soldiers, (Which is the maximum, I think.), in them anyway. And even if they did, the engine is hardly meant to have that many soldiers on the battlefield at once, and will, I repeat, will move slower than snailsex.

So to sum my points up, before Amargan & CO officially increases the battle-scale and somehow makes the engine capable of this, (Several ways have been suggested as you may recall, among other things to decrease the detail on the soldiers the further they are from the screen.), begging for intricate formations like these is just stupid. Couple this with the fact that many players might never have heard of the Battlesizechanger at all, and... well, yeah. :roll:
To InferiorBeing:

Try having your Swadian Sergeants close together and see how they kill enemy cavalry.

Now, order them to go with you and try to disperse them as much as you can. Look how cavalry can ride through them.

Formations will be useful even with the current size. 5 footmen close together will perform much better than if they are dispersed. 5 cavalrymen charging infantry will perform much better if they charge simultaneously.

With archers, line will be useful with ANY size. 2 archers in a line will shoot more people than 2 archers one standing right behind another.
I think that even if you did make formations, they still wouldn't be really useful, because you couldn't order them to attack a certain location or group of troops, so instead you'd probably end up with a line of knights chasing a single soilder, which would be bad if you they were chasing a veteran. Formation's won't be useful unless you have direct control aver all of their movements, which would be very hard to do with Mount&Blade and keep the fighting part fun at the same time, altought i think that the ability to differentiate between mounted, ranged and infintary would be good.
Having missile units form into a line would be really useful, as not only would they then not simply find a random position to fire from, but they would stop shooting each other in the back of the head, which is one of the main reasons for the loss of ranged troops for me. Also, it would stop me from accidentally shooting my own team as they run straight in front of me as I am shooting, so I am frequently killing or knocking out my own team! Frustration abounds!
If you've read my post at all, :roll: you'd probably have understood that I never doubted the efficiency of these formatons, (Well, to a degree, anyway.), but when a whole bunch of you went on about how cool it would look I simply reminded you that this isn't Mount & Blade: Total War or anything. No matter how effective a load of formations would be, so few people in so many different formations would not look cool. Actually I'd say it would look God-ugly! :neutral:
I am sort of in the middle ground where this is concerned.

I think having formations is going a little too far, changing this medieval combat simulator into a Medieval : Total War simulator.

I do, however, wish you could send the charge and hold ground command to soldier types. Mainly for my archers to hold their position atop a hill, and for my calvary to charge the enemy archers.

This little control will make a remarkable change to the survivability of my party, whilst not making this into a micro management program.
I hope this does eventually turn into M&B: Total War, it's already half way there. I like the hypothetical realism storyline as is, but I'd definitely like more troop types, better army control, and ultimately, much bigger battles (as optimization allows).

For now I would be happy if troops just grouped up by type and fought better as a unit (archers not shooting each other, infantry holding the line, cavalry sticking together, etc.).
And I quote: "I think having formations is going a little too far, changing this medieval combat simulator into a Medieval : Total War simulator.
I do, however, wish you could send the charge and hold ground command to soldier types. Mainly for my archers to hold their position atop a hill, and for my calvary to charge the enemy archers.
This little control will make a remarkable change to the survivability of my party, whilst not making this into a micro management program.",

Oh! And:

"...I'd definitely like more troop types, better army control, and ultimately, much bigger battles (as optimization allows).
For now I would be happy if troops just grouped up by type and fought better as a unit (archers not shooting each other, infantry holding the line, cavalry sticking together, etc.)."...

^^ Seconded.
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