how to use the editor???????(make castles)

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Can someone please tell me how to make a castle step by step(i'm a bit of a noob) or send links to places with the information.
Ok... time for...


I. Beginning of a Castle
-- A. Enabling the Edit Feature
----- 1. First, you must enable Edit Mode by running
----- Mount&Blade.exe, clicking Configure, scrolling down
----- to the bottom, and finding "enable_edit_mode = 0"
----- Change the "0" to a "1" to get "enable_edit_mode = 1"
----- 2. Save your Configuration File, then run Mount&Blade.
-- B. Staking out your Territory
----- 1. Once in Mount&Blade, click the "Camp" button. Upon
----- entering the battle, kill ONLY the Swadian Seargent.
----- 2. After killing the Seargent, press "Ctrl+E" to enter
----- Edit Mode. Press H to find out what the various commands
----- are.
II. The Castle that was built in a Day
-- A. Putting up the Walls
----- 1. First, use your keyboard to find the object "Battlement A"
----- (If you don't know how to find it, press H when in Edit Mode
----- to display the Help Menu.)
----- 2. Second, press the Insert button to place a "Battlement A"
----- object in the map. Use the various keys to position it where
----- you wish.
----- 3. Continue doing this until you have built a perimiter
----- around the place you wish to build a castle.
-- B. Interior Design
----- 1. Now that you have your perimiter up, put in some buildings
----- such as a house.
----- 2. Place the main buildings (houses, house extensions, side buildings
----- etc.) before placing other things.
----- 3. After you are satisfied with the placement of your main
----- buildings, proceed to adding in smaller objects such as
----- merchant stands, background objects, etc.)
III. The Finishing Touch
-- A. Troubleshooter
----- 1. After you have placed all of your objects in the map, go around
----- with the camera looking for any signs of "clipping" (objects
----- going through each other, objects going through walls/ground.)
----- 2. When you are finished looking for/fixing clipped objects,
----- make sure everything is where you want it to be.
-- B. A Well Preserved Castle
----- 1. After making all of the final adjustments, take screenshots
----- (optional) of your castle, because the chances of seeing it
----- in the same state are one in a million.
----- 2. Once you've finished playing the shutterbug, press "Ctrl+E"
----- to exit Edit Mode and save/don't save your castle.
I wish there were some proper castle objects though , so we didnt have to layer battlements on top of each other so much.
Like a proper gatehouse.
sure, i was thinking about it in fact. It would be reasonably easy to model a whole castle and put it in. I just dont know if it would appear in edit mode. I havent tried yet :smile:
If you are looking for a tower (as a starter) I have created an OBJ file. Not knowing the other side of castle building (in game stuff) I haven't been able to try it yet... but if you want to import the OBJ files, let me know and I'll email them to you. (check out my other post below)
Great tutorial, I was just wondering why I can't insert some objects like horses and weapons. Also is it possible to delete the buildings thats already in a town?
nogetback said:
Great tutorial, I was just wondering why I can't insert some objects like horses and weapons. Also is it possible to delete the buildings thats already in a town?

All the horses and Items are in a different group. There's objects (houses, battlements, etc), plants, passages, entry points and items (helms, horses, weapons, etc) I believe.

Pressing the left and right arrow keys cycles through the individual objects, I think you press Ctrl + left or right (or Alt +left or right, i can't remember which) will cycle through the object groups.

Yes you can delete existing buildings. Select them by either pressing enter while looking at them (when they're highlighted green), or press pgup or pgdn to cycle through the existing objects in the scene. Once the one you want deleted is highlighted yellow, press delete.
Ingolifs said:
All the horses and Items are in a different group. There's objects (houses, battlements, etc), plants, passages, entry points and items (helms, horses, weapons, etc) I believe.

Pressing the left and right arrow keys cycles through the individual objects, I think you press Ctrl + left or right (or Alt +left or right, i can't remember which) will cycle through the object groups.

Yes you can delete existing buildings. Select them by either pressing enter while looking at them (when they're highlighted green), or press pgup or pgdn to cycle through the existing objects in the scene. Once the one you want deleted is highlighted yellow, press delete.

Ah ok no wonder I couldn't bring up certain objects. About the existing buildings not being able to edit them I can't. For some reason they don't count as an object and I can't select them. Also I edited a few things yesterday like the position where you stood in zendar, and saved it, however I just loaded it up again and everything went wrong, It says there are no objects to edit, the positioon where I stood went back to where it was originally, the people in the town stood in a diagonal line behind me and some of the things that I added were missing :cry: Help?
i  Have little problem.
well...i doo like u say but when i press ''H'' that window what should pop up is invisable
What to do?
It got changed. Just press Ctrl e with edit mode enabled, then Alt+Enter to go into windowed mode and click the "help" button. (this needs to be in a proper scene, like a battle or a city.)
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