How to Start out w/ M&M:B?

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So, doubt anyone remembers me here, but years back I mod a mod for original M&B here:,20716.0.html

Anyway, only recently did I get a hold of Warband and, as I've been playing Napoleon Total War lately, found out about this mod quickly and decided to try it.

Problem is, I'm using 1.113 version but when I log onto the multiplayer foyer I don't see any servers hosting this, in fact I don't see any at all. So..

1) How do you find and get onto a server which is hosting Mount and Musket?


2) How do you get into one of these "regiments" and "line battle" events I see being mentioned on these forums?

Sorry if these questions sound very noobish or this is the wrong place to ask them but I checked the stickies and could only find an IP for a teamspeak channel and not a game server. Thanks for any help.
Your noobness is excused, my friend. :razz:

1) Default your DNS. Google the problem. (It baffles me how that word become a verb. :???: Damn, I don't wanna use it but it's too useful. :neutral:)

2) Just go into regiment you like and say "can I be reserve?". Choose one which has a lot of inactive people. You got a shot on playing on the Waterloo, I assure you. Line Battle events are dead as far as I know. If you stumble onto one of them, just be on the server. If you come early, you'll be the one who commands.
Jansay said:
Your noobness is excused, my friend. :razz:

1) Default your DNS. Google the problem. (It baffles me how that word become a verb. :???: Damn, I don't wanna use it but it's too useful. :neutral:)

Is there any way to direct connect to an IP with Mount and Blade? Are there any dedicated servers to look for that run Mount and Musket?

Thanks again for any help.
There's no way to join a server via IP in Warband, I think. Make sure you have 1.131 though. There is a 22nd Server and another dedicated server hosting it.
If you looking for a place in the Waterloo event, the French Lancers have full member slots avaliable here.

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