How to set the individual upgrade costs and XP reward for killing for troops in bannerlord?

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In bannerlord's recent e1.6.2 update, in the patch note's "modding" section the game developers mentioned that "Troops can now have individual upgrade costs and XP reward for killing." so,if I want adjust some game balance through this method, how can I set them? where should I adjust if I want to do so?

You'll have to override PartyTroopUpgradeModel's GetXpCostForUpgrade() function(also GetGoldCostForUpgrade can be useful) for upgrade cost and PartyTrainingModel's GetXpReward() function for rewards.
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You'll have to override PartyTroopUpgradeModel's GetXpCostForUpgrade() function(also GetGoldCostForUpgrade can be useful) for upgrade cost and PartyTrainingModel's GetXpReward() function for rewards.
not just an xml adjustment, right? looks like I must learn more before I try this, thank you!
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