How to repair buildings?

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As far as I understand from other threads it is possible to repair damaged buildings (which is logical). But I don't find that option anywhere in Manage Castle menu.
I made sure that my Seneschal got the skills necessary for that building, he may build any other building, but no option to repair existing/damaged.

You need to rebuild the building. if your steward has the prequesites for that building, it should be in your building list. depending of the % of damage, construction time and price are fixed accordingly. e.g if somethign is 50% damaged, it takes 50% the time and cost of the original building to repair it.

Any damaged building will NOT work at all. It´s either 100% and working or damaged and doing nothing.
There are a couple issues with this as well.

1.  Your steward may not have the skills to build the damaged buildings.  They were built by his more educated predecessors.  What you can do is hold a council meeting or 3 to get his skills up to par.  As long as you or your companions have skills higher than his, he will gain knowledge.

2.  There are bugs in the management process that are being worked on.  Fixing a building has been reported on only fix it part way, while requiring full time and cost.  Also, some buildings don't seem to stay built.  Like I said, we're working on fixing these.


Thanks for replies, I think that I've verified that my Seneschals are "well educated" (had like a dozen of council meetings with him and he has high skills from my companions), but I will verify with the wiki that he meets the requirements.

Is there any update on the fixing issue? I've just repaired Market from 80% to 90% and there is no option to repair it further so it is damaged permanently.

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