How to remove the lag on map HERE

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edit the game and remove some useless factions

I lol'd

I have the terrible map lag too, but I think it's because of my old video card (ATI Radeon HD 2600XT)
This has nothing to do with factions, and more important, there aren't even enough factions hehe! There should be more :wink:
LaoTze said:
JudasIscariot said:
noks99 said:
edit the game and remove some useless factions

Historical accuracy =/= Removing "useless" factions. They existed and thus have a use.

Ireland?  :???:

Wouldn't play it if it didn't include Ireland.

We definitely don't need more though.  The engine wasn't designed for it as much as we'd like to see it.
Skandinav said:
kuauik said:
noks99 said:
edit the game and remove some useless factions
edit your self and remove your self from here :razz:

And seriously, noks99, stop trolling.

lol i found it funny.

and i only get lagg when i turn Seeall cheat on.
Only real lagg i get is the useless trees and grass/plants they added when i'm in battle
Arth said:
WilsonMG said:
You mean all the floating trees?

ugh no? i just mean all the useless tress and grass they added.

edit flora_kinds.txt found in the Data folder of the mod. Delete everything and then paste this:

grass 6442469688324 5
grass_a  0
grass_b  0
grass_c  0
grass_d  0
grass_e  0
grass_bush 42950461452 2
grass_bush_a  0
grass_bush_b  0
grass_saz 2147485222924 2
grass_bush_c  0
grass_bush_d  0
grass_purple 2147484174348 2
grass_bush_e  0
grass_bush_f  0
fern 4294968083456 2
fern_a  0
fern_b  0
grass_steppe 6442469689352 5
grass_yellow_a  0
grass_yellow_b  0
grass_yellow_c  0
grass_yellow_d  0
grass_yellow_e  0
grass_bush_g 1717987707916 3
grass_bush_g01  0
grass_bush_g02  0
grass_bush_g03  0
grass_bush_h 1717987705860 3
grass_bush_h01  0
grass_bush_h02  0
grass_bush_h03  0
grass_bush_i 1717987705860 2
grass_bush_i01  0
grass_bush_i02  0
grass_bush_j 1717987707916 2
grass_bush_j01  0
grass_bush_j02  0
grass_bush_k 1717987705860 2
grass_bush_k01  0
grass_bush_k02  0
grass_bush_l 214748627972 2
grass_bush_l01  0
grass_bush_l02  0
thorn_a 644245357572 4
thorn_a  0
thorn_b  0
thorn_c  0
thorn_d  0
basak 300647713804 1
basak  0
common_plant 300647713804 1
common_plant  0
small_plant 214748367884 3
small_plant  0
small_plant_b  0
small_plant_c  0
buddy_plant 214748367884 2
buddy_plant  0
buddy_plant_b  0
yellow_flower 214748367884 2
yellow_flower  0
yellow_flower_b  0
spiky_plant 214748630028 1
spiky_plant  0
seedy_plant 214748367884 1
seedy_plant_a  0
blue_flower 128849021964 1
blue_flower  0
big_bush 128849021964 1
big_bush  0
bushes02_a 128849021964 3
bushes02_a  bo_bushes02_a
bushes02_b  bo_bushes02_b
bushes02_c  bo_bushes02_c
bushes03_a 128849019908 3
bushes03_a  0
bushes03_b  0
bushes03_c  0
bushes04_a 300647713804 3
bushes04_a  0
bushes04_b  0
bushes04_c  0
bushes05_a 300647713804 3
bushes05_a  0
bushes05_b  0
bushes05_c  0
bushes06_a 300647712776 3
bushes06_a  0
bushes06_b  0
bushes06_c  0
bushes07_a 300647713804 3
bushes07_a  0
bushes07_b  0
bushes07_c  0
bushes08_a 300647713804 3
bushes08_a  0
bushes08_b  0
bushes08_c  0
bushes09_a 300647713804 3
bushes09_a  0
bushes09_b  0
bushes09_c  0
bushes10_a 300647713804 3
bushes10_a  0
bushes10_b  0
bushes10_c  0
bushes11_a 300647713804 3
bushes11_a  0
bushes11_b  0
bushes11_c  0
bushes12_a 300647713804 3
bushes12_a  0
bushes12_b  0
bushes12_c  0
aspen 17184066572 3
aspen_a  bo_aspen_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
aspen_b  bo_aspen_b
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
aspen_c  bo_aspen_c
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
pine_1 17184066572 2
pine_1_a  bo_pine_1_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
pine_1_b  bo_pine_1_b
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
pine_2 17184066572 1
pine_2_a  bo_pine_2_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
pine_3 17184066572 1
pine_3_a  bo_pine_3_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
pine_4 17184066572 1
pine_4_a  bo_pine_4_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
snowy_pine 21479034896 1
tree_snowy_a  bo_tree_snowy_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
snowy_pine_2 21479034896 1
snowy_pine_2  bo_snowy_pine_2
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
small_rock 21477002252 8
rock_c  bo_rock_c
rock_d  bo_rock_d
rock_e  bo_rock_e
rock_f  bo_rock_f
rock_g  bo_rock_g
rock_h  bo_rock_h
rock_i  bo_rock_i
rock_k  bo_rock_k
rock_snowy 21477003280 3
rock_snowy_a  bo_rock_snowy_a
rock_snowy_b  bo_rock_snowy_b
rock_snowy_c  bo_rock_snowy_c
rock 214750792716 6
rock1  bo_rock1
rock2  bo_rock2
rock3  bo_rock3
rock4  bo_rock4
rock5  bo_rock6
rock7  bo_rock7
rock_snowy2 21477003280 4
rock1_snowy  bo_rock1
rock2_snowy  bo_rock2
rock4_snowy  bo_rock4
rock6_snowy  bo_rock6
tree_1 17184066572 2
tree_1_a  bo_tree_1_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_1_b  bo_tree_1_b
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_3 17184066572 2
tree_3_a  bo_tree_3_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_3_b  bo_tree_3_b
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_4 17184066572 2
tree_4_a  bo_tree_4_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_4_b  bo_tree_4_b
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_5 17184066572 4
tree_5_a  bo_tree_5_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_5_b  bo_tree_5_b
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_5_c  bo_tree_5_c
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_5_d  bo_tree_5_d
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_6 17184066572 4
tree_6_a  bo_tree_6_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_6_b  bo_tree_6_b
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_6_c  bo_tree_6_c
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_6_d  bo_tree_6_d
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_7 17184066572 3
tree_7_a  bo_tree_7_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_7_b  bo_tree_7_b
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_7_c  bo_tree_7_c
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_8 17184066572 3
tree_8_a  bo_tree_8_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_8_b  bo_tree_8_b
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_8_c  bo_tree_8_c
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_9 17184066572 3
tree_9_a  bo_tree_9_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_9_b  bo_tree_9_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_9_c  bo_tree_9_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_10 17184066572 3
tree_10_a  bo_tree_10_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_10_b  bo_tree_10_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_10_c  bo_tree_10_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_11 17184066572 3
tree_11_a  bo_tree_11_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_11_b  bo_tree_11_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_11_c  bo_tree_11_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_12 17184066572 3
tree_12_a  bo_tree_12_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_12_b  bo_tree_12_b
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_12_c  bo_tree_12_c
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_14 17184066572 3
tree_14_a  bo_tree_14_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_14_b  bo_tree_14_b
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_14_c  bo_tree_14_c
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_15 17184066572 3
tree_15_a  bo_tree_15_a
mb_test1 tree_a
tree_15_b  bo_tree_15_b
mb_test1 tree_a
tree_15_c  bo_tree_15_c
mb_test1 tree_b
tree_16 17184066572 2
tree_16_a  bo_tree_16_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_16_b  bo_tree_16_b
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_17 17184066572 4
tree_17_a  bo_tree_17_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_17_b  bo_tree_17_b
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_17_c  bo_tree_17_c
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_17_d  bo_tree_17_d
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
palm 17184071680 1
palm_a  bo_palm_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_new_1 17184066572 2
tree_a01  bo_tree_a01
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_a02  bo_tree_a01
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
bush_new_1 300647713804 2
bush_a01  0
bush_a02  0
bush_new_2 300647713804 1
bush_new_a  0
bush_new_3 300647713804 1
bush_new_b  0
bush_new_4 300647713804 1
bush_new_c  0
tree_new_2 17184066572 2
tree_b01  bo_tree_b01
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_b02  bo_tree_b02
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_new_3 17184066572 2
tree_c01  bo_tree_c01
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_c02  bo_tree_c02
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_plane 17184066572 2
tree_18_a  bo_tree_18_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_18_b  bo_tree_18_b
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_19 17184066572 1
tree_19_a  bo_tree_19_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
beech 12889099276 2
tree_20_a  bo_tree_20_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_20_b  bo_tree_20_b
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tall_tree 17184066572 1
tall_tree_a  bo_tall_tree_a
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_e 17184066572 3
tree_e_1  bo_tree_e_1
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_e_2  bo_tree_e_2
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_e_3  bo_tree_e_3
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_f 17184066572 3
tree_f_1  bo_tree_f_1
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_f_2  bo_tree_f_1
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
tree_f_3  bo_tree_f_1
Elysian_Fields GateKeeper
grape_vineyard 0 1
grape_vineyard  bo_grape_vineyard
grape_vineyard_stake 0 1
grape_vineyard_stake  bo_grape_vineyard_stake
wheat 17179872268 4
wheat_a  0
wheat_b  0
wheat_c  0
wheat_d  0
valleyRock_rounded 21476933632 4
valleyRock_rounded_1  bo_valleyRock_rounded_1
valleyRock_rounded_2  bo_valleyRock_rounded_2
valleyRock_rounded_3  bo_valleyRock_rounded_3
valleyRock_rounded_4  bo_valleyRock_rounded_4
valleyRock_flat 21476933632 6
valleyRock_flat_1  bo_valleyRock_flat_1
valleyRock_flat_2  bo_valleyRock_flat_2
valleyRock_flat_3  bo_valleyRock_flat_3
valleyRock_flat_4  bo_valleyRock_flat_4
valleyRock_flat_5  bo_valleyRock_flat_5
valleyRock_flat_6  bo_valleyRock_flat_6
valleyRock_flatRounded_small 21476933632 3
valleyRock_flatRounded_small_1  bo_valleyRock_flatRounded_small_1
valleyRock_flatRounded_small_2  bo_valleyRock_flatRounded_small_2
valleyRock_flatRounded_small_3  bo_valleyRock_flatRounded_small_3
valleyRock_flatRounded_big 21476933632 2
valleyRock_flatRounded_big_1  bo_valleyRock_flatRounded_big_1
valleyRock_flatRounded_big_2  bo_valleyRock_flatRounded_big_2

Its the less trees version of Polished Landscapes, Im sure its on the board somewhere I just cant be bothered to find it.

It will make the forested areas a lot less dense
To the people saying "it lags even though I have X videocard", I'm pretty sure the map lag is mostly influenced by your processor, not your graphics card.
The video card has some impact on it but it's just the AI processing really.  I know for a fact because when I disable the AI completely I get 120 fps :smile:

Anyway, I made more changes and now it's mostly smooth with really minor hiccups, no worse than native, you'll just have to wait a little.
othr said:
The video card has some impact on it but it's just the AI processing really.  I know for a fact because when I disable the AI completely I get 120 fps :smile:

Anyway, I made more changes and now it's mostly smooth with really minor hiccups, no worse than native, you'll just have to wait a little.

Tease. :razz:
WilsonMG said:
othr said:
The video card has some impact on it but it's just the AI processing really.  I know for a fact because when I disable the AI completely I get 120 fps :smile:

Anyway, I made more changes and now it's mostly smooth with really minor hiccups, no worse than native, you'll just have to wait a little.

Tease. :razz:
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