How to raise your Castle's prosperity?

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I have a castle with a fief... I did some quests on the fief to raise its prosperity, and it's now on "high". However, the castle remains "Very Poor". Why?
I'm not really sure what makes the castles increase in prosperity, but villagefarmers make trips to castles, so make sure that you wipe out banditparties near your castle every once in a while..

But.. As you most surely know, you can not do quests for the castle, and you cant build a mill..

Maybe it have something to do with how many soldiers you have in it.. I mean, a lot of soldiers would generate the need of more people, and you could imagine that the castle itself sort of manages the "city in the castle", housing the civilians, and having some traders and outlaying farms and settlements to grow food and such, and you could also imagine the castle to have some form of weapon production or other production. So, you could imagine that the more soldiers you have there, the more the castle will grow..

However, I can not prove this in any way, and I have not tested it in any way. I have 1 castle, it have around 120 soldiers, I've had it for several hundred days.. And it took.. oh... I can make a vague guess.. about 100 days before it became "Average".

I've also asked earlier how high the prosperity of a castle can go, and the answer from the experienced guys was that a castle can get to Average, but never higher.

As for the village/town prosperity, when you say "High" you mean Rich, right? And as for that matter, I also asked how high the prosperity of a village/town could get, and the answer I got was that it could go to "Rich" but not higher.. My villages are only on Average since I don't do much quests for them, to much war going on.. Feel a bit bad about that.. I feel that I neglect my nice little villages  :sad:

For how long have the castle been "Very Poor"?
I cant be sure.... a month, maybe? And villages seriously cant get "Very rich"? Awww... I guess that's only for towns, then...
Yes, that's what the experienced guys said.. I guess you can find the truth in some of the gamefiles, but I'm not that skilled in reading a heap of numbers..

But it really makes sense too.. The castles of the old time (and now I mean standalone castles, like Dramug Castle, not like the castles inside cities, like Yalen) was not very.. fancy.. it was a fortification that was mostly able to support its garrison with food.. not rich at all.. and it would be weird if a small village could become "Very Rich"..

EDIT: Try giving your castle a bit more time, see if it comes along.. It took a while (I guessed about 100 days, might be wrong..) for my castle to get to Average.. And when it got there it dropped back again to poor, stayed there for a little while, then popped up to Average again and have stayed like that ever since.
Castle prosperity is afected by prosperity of it's village. Village prosperity is affected by some buildings/quests and if I'm not mistaken by villagers travelling to towns and back.
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