How to move slower?

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Like the title says I would be pleased if I would know how to slow down the movement of troops, so I can make a battle where the enemy's come slowly closer. And a second question everytime I want to go to a Village, Castle or town or if I want to speak to someone a line appears its saying:
this isn't happening if I play with my second character but I don't want to give my first character up, because I conquer all enemy's, a good reputation to Master Harlaus.  :sad:
I'm playing the 1257AD mod and I used the banner changer script shortly before.
I believe that those script errors really don't do anything, I get them all the time in Hegemony 268.

You can't really slow down battles without editing the stats of all the troops in 1257. I think it is also non save-game compatible as well.
Thanks for the quick answer Venitius,
oh that's sad. Now to the error no it is bad, because if I go to a city and the message appears the only option in the menu is "Leave the menu", I can't go to any merchant no I can't even enter the city.
And if the error appears when try talking to someone the player character talks to him self it even says: "I'm (here the players name), ruler of the player faction and owner of...!
I can't go to the attackmenu. Like I said before with my second Chara everything works fine, but not with the first.  :sad:
For your bug you should go the the correct forum (like the mod).

The speed of a troop is based on their AGI, the Athletics skill and the weight carried (for infantry). Changing stats is not save game compatible but you could increase the weight of all armor so the troops get slower. For cavalry you have to reduce the speed of their horses of course - editing items is save game compatible.

That's also an option. As I assume you want time to prepare.
Thanks for all your replies, I try it with the Item Editor. I don't know why I didn't tried that earlier.  :mrgreen: @Doctor: Yes that's it so I can make formations before the enemy overruns me. And about the bug OK I try it at the mods topic.
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