How to make the rounded map notifications?

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Hi guys, hope someone could help, I cant figure out how to create that rounded map notifications, I couldn't find any guide, I am trying to create a custom notification but nothing worked so far.

I have this two classes :

    public class MiscarriageNotification : InformationData
        public override TextObject TitleText => new TextObject("Custom notification..");
        public override string SoundEventPath => "event:/ui/notification/alert";
        public Hero PregnantHero { get; private set; }

        public MiscarriageNotification(Hero pregnanthero, TextObject descriptionText) : base(descriptionText)
            this.PregnantHero = pregnanthero;
    public class MiscarriageNotificationVM : MapNotificationItemBaseVM
        public MiscarriageNotificationVM(MiscarriageNotification data) : base(data)
            pregnanthero = data.PregnantHero;
            base.NotificationIdentifier = "miscarriage";
            _onInspect = delegate ()
                isInspected = true;
                Campaign.Current.TimeControlMode = CampaignTimeControlMode.Stop;

        private bool isInspected;
        private Hero pregnanthero;

And I try to call the notification on a campaign event with:

Campaign.Current.CampaignInformationManager.NewMapNoticeAdded(new MiscarriageNotification(mother, new TextObject("Custom notification.", null)));

But nothing happened, Is there something missing or am I lost?
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