how to make parties roam around the map?

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I created this party

It contains 1 hero and some troops that i made!

but the question is,
how do I make them roam around the map?

please help!

thanks in advance!
I'm pretty sure that they will randomly patrol around the map looking for enemies of their faction right off the bat.  Just copy the template of any bandits, and they seem to wander around automatically.  To make them appear on the map initially you need to make a new spawn point in module_parties.  Copy the forest bandit spawn point and name it after your new party template.  so "party_template_name"_spawn_point.  Finally look in module scripts for the "spawn_bandits" entry copy the mountain_bandits entry and paste it below itself.  Rename every occurence of mountain_bandits to "party_name". It is preset to let 14 parties spawn at a time so change the 14 to 1 or however many parties you want to appear.
Berserker Pride said:
I'm pretty sure that they will randomly patrol around the map looking for enemies of their faction right off the bat.  Just copy the template of any bandits, and they seem to wander around automatically.

you'll probably want to go into '' and put your new templet there as well so that you can define just what are enemies.
  i'd probably copy the player_faction tuple, put it just below "black_khergits", and change the name and relationships to what i wanted.

How about actually spawning them on the map?  I don't think anything will happen till you set a location for them.

Look at how the town tuples are setup.  At the end they define where they are.  I'm sure you can do the same for any party to have it start on the map and not have to be "spawned" by code.
jik said:
How about actually spawning them on the map?  I don't think anything will happen till you set a location for them.

Look at how the town tuples are setup.  At the end they define where they are.  I'm sure you can do the same for any party to have it start on the map and not have to be "spawned" by code.

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