How to make new statics?

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I am wondering, is it possible to make new placeables (e.g. new kinds of furniture), and if so, has anyone posted a tutorial?

Thanks in advance!
Yes, but there isn't a tutorial on it really... so here is a quick primer:

Use these to learn how to add items:

Then once you have added a new item to a brf file, open up Data/scene_objects.txt and add a line for your new object.

The problem is you cant have a new collision mesh for your object yet, however you can use another objects collision mesh.

Increment the first number by 1, then add an entry at the end:

<name to display in in game editor> 0 <mesh name> <collision mesh name (bo_something), or 0 for no collision mesh> 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

Not sure what the 0s are for... but that should work.
You can import new objects and decorate scenes with them, but collision meshes are not yet supported so the objects will not be solid. So yes and no.
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