How to make a troop recruitable?

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I've just made my first troop as a tryout.
It should be recruited to the Norths instead of the nord recruit.

Basicly what i did was, copy paste the nord recruit. Pasted it at the botom of that section. Alterd his names and weapon. And changed the troop tree. But now i can't recruit him in a nords village. What am i missing out on? Where can i assign them to be recruited from the village? Do i just need to delete the original Nord_recruit?

Thanks in advance!
Somewhere in module scripts, there is the nord recruit, in the first tier of the nord soldiers. Go there and replace it with your own troop. I think that's all, please correct me if I am wrong, I am a bit rusty  :roll:.
If you used the troop editor you should not need to do it just make shure you used the correct module, I just changed names and equipment and it got pretty neat with a heavy troop tree for my faction :mrgreen:
Darwin said:
no, he means the :wink:
Thanks! Didn't knew that!

@ Rydmer, i'm trying to build my own mod here. So the troop editor won't be very helpfull. Or else i have to either do everything over again or can't make updates for my mod in the future :wink:.
Hi. I don't know if this is helpful, but "script_update_volunteer_troops_in_village" in

In that script, it seems that for each village, recruitable troops are chosen from the tier 1 troops for that faction.

So be sure to put your troop in the tier 1 slot. Look up for # Cultures: under the first script.

Good luck.
Hey man thanks for the answer!
THat was a part i came across indeed aswell. But i've had some contact with the europe 1200 mod maker and he explained me that a couple of days back. Still apreciate your helpfullness though!
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