How to grant lords

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So i have defeated the whole Khergit Khanate and I now hold my own faction, Khergit Khanate Rebels. I rule it myself, but i think is it possible to make myself the king and grant my friends (Matheld, etc) the title of lord and make them to patrol around my lands with their own war parties. It'd be nice. Any ideas?
It is not possible in vanilla Native. The best you can do is sign up with a claimant, then for as long as the rebellion lasts (ie until the original faction is eliminated) you can convince loyalist lords to join the rebellion and freely allocate any unowned fiefs to them, yourself, or the claimant.
there was a mod which made that possible.. er.. i would go around and check the mod lists if i where you.
(the modlist of rogeuhunter is down atm but here is a working link)
the 'age of machinery' mod lets you become a lord of your own kingdom. check it out on the mod list if your interested
IMO it's too much work granting your own lords and ruling your own kingdom. I like to controll 1 town and 2 villages. Simple, low maintenance and rewarding.
Sword of Damocles and Native expansion are good for kingdom management. I hear they both have their good/bad points. Try them both out (and try out age of machinery too, but i'm not too familiar with that one).
paul249 said:
the 'age of machinery' mod lets you become a lord of your own kingdom. check it out on the mod list if your interested
but how do i play mods? im new
The Wedding Dance allows you to make any number of Companions into Lords..but that's after you declare your Empire.
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