How To Gets MY Mods To Work

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I HAve Mount and Blade and i Have a Level 54 With About 900 days to it. I Got a little Bored and Decided To Try some of The Mods Out There and picked a few for my version 1.011 And Followed all of the guides and it still did not work. PRetty much came here took the mod (16th century Calradia) I win zipped it and went to progrems Mountainn Blade and Put The Winzipped File Into The Modules Folder And That it .watched The Video Once More to make sure i did not Forget Anything And i did not so i started the game and all i had was native if im foregettin anything please help
Are you sure it's either zipped or unpacked. It has to show the folder picture before you can use it. Also make sure It's in the Mount & Blade modules folder.

Maybe you got more than one M&B folder and you're running the game from another folder than the one you put youre files in
Wrong forum?,9.0.html,6.0.html
Wouldn't bother, The Calradian 16th century isn't great. All it does is add guns and make the Swadian Troops have guns.
Penguin1128 said:
I HAve Mount and Blade and i Have a Level 54 With About 900 days to it. I Got a little Bored and Decided To Try some of The Mods Out There and picked a few for my version 1.011 And Followed all of the guides and it still did not work. PRetty much came here took the mod (16th century Calradia) I win zipped it and went to progrems Mountainn Blade and Put The Winzipped File Into The Modules Folder And That it .watched The Video Once More to make sure i did not Forget Anything And i did not so i started the game and all i had was native if im foregettin anything please help

There's where you went wrong.

You have to UNZIP the folder FROM the ZIP file. The mod has to be a FOLDER in the modules folder. Not a winzip file.
Curumo said:
I fear I am hopeless, I can't figure it out. >:

It's quite simple actually. You download the file, it ends with .zip right? (If it's an .exe file you just run it and it usually finds the way on its own.)

Now you open the folder where you downloaded it to, right-click, and choose "extract files" and use the menu there to find the "mount and blade/modules" folder and run the unzipping procedure. (Press "ok")


You right-click on it and click "extract here", you'll see a loading animation, when it's done there will be a new folder in the place you already have opened, named after the mod. Open another window and use it to find the "mount and blade/modules" folder. Then you drag the folder with the mod's name on it to the "mount and blade/modules" foulder and drop it down there. A short little loading and the file will have been moved to the correct place and you can run your new mod.
Takes smaller room, therefore easier to download.
Plus I'm pretty sure most modders don't want to create a big setup program for us lazy players after having spent months designing the entire mod... :roll:

Besides, it's extremely easy installing it from a zip file, didn't my instructions help?
Eheh, Nice siggy, and  :cry: I dunno what a .exe is, I know what a .zip is, so do I un .zip it and it finds it way?
Download and install the program WinRAR (google it).

Download the WinZip file and put it into your module folder.

Right click the WinZip file and select "Extract to nameoffile/". It will extract the mod into a folder inside the modules folder.

You can delete the Winzip file if you want after its done extracting. Now you should be able to select the mod from the dropdown menu on your startup screen.
Curumo said:
Eheh, Nice siggy, and  :cry: I dunno what a .exe is, I know what a .zip is, so do I un .zip it and it finds it way?

Allow me to educate you.
A .exe file stands for execute and is basically the file that executes a program or a script.
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