How to get nobles to join you

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I just broke from my country. I am going to try and form my own. I have 1200 renown or so and my party is over 150 strong. I have 65 right to rule now too and honor is about 25  or so. 

Ive asked some of my friends, relationship 66 and 44, and neither will join me. Is it because I dont have a castle or city yet? One says Im in no shape to support him militarily and the other thinks that my kingdom being in the shape it is will bring more discord. Ive tried all the other sayings in dialogue to get them to join and its not working. So whats the trick? These guys are listed as friends to me.
Just keep trying... Eventually you'll get some... Persuation skill helps alot to... Oh and have unassigned land.
What are your friends' relationships with their king? If you send a hero to scout their faction, what does he report about their king relationship?
I just left my faction because they are idiots. I had 2 castles and a town. I lost the town in war because no one helps me even though I am marshall. However, after capping another town I came back and cap'd my town back. The king didn't give it to me so I rebelled and kept the town. I have about 70-80 right to rule, 50ish honor, and 800ish renown.

I've noticed that friend level doesn't matter much since if they like their king there is no way for them to join you. What I have noticed is individuals with lots of problems will join you. I have lords from dieing factions show up in my castle asking to be a vassal, I also run into lords that recently switched from one faction to another and are fiefless so they hop on too.

The rebellion was also easy since I was friends with all the biggest armies of my old kingdom. Therefor, they wouldn't attack me, just the small weak guys.
For some light reading:,129702.0.html,128725.0.html,128730.0.html (the Player's Kingdom spoiler),130013.0.html
Your relation to the lord is only important to be allowed to talk to him in private. If it's too low he won't.
The rest is as Caba'drin posted, espc. in 3rd link.

Btw: is it normal, that lords from an extinct faction never join my kingdom automatically at first?
I conquered Shariz and the two castles beneath.
When it was asked if I claim the castles for myself I chose no.
So now the destinated boyars came into the area and also for my support.

Yah, because their kingdom's relationship to your kingdom plays a role in the persuasion, you'll never see a noble join your kingdom if you were at war with them when their kingdom fell.

Also makes it hard to convince nobles to join you while you're at war with their kingdom.
Thanks for the good replies. It seems in my case that it is my lack of miliart presence near his fifes.  So I guess I will need to conquer some castles or towns near his fifes?  Im sure too that it would help if I left the fifes free of control and then let him come in and claim. It seems like recruiting the nobles is a major pain in the arse. It also seems though that getting your kingdom started without doing so is going to be hard.
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