how to get a big army?

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I just started playing, and so far my army is just me, marnid, and borcha. Every enemy i find has atleast 13-20 soldiers and I get surrounded and swarmed by the little bastards. How can i get 10+ soldiers so I have a chance against these enemies? My 2 friends die fast, and I can't survive forever against big armies.
Also, increase your Leadership skill to hire more troops (and more varieties as well).
For each Charisma point, you can add 1 troop. Charisma is the CHA in the lower left-hand side of your "Character" screen.

Also, each Leadership point lets you get 5 troops and an additional slot for troops. Leadership is in the center bottom of the "Character" screen. Leadership can be raised as far as 8. Your leadership level depends on your Charisma - Leadership won't be higher than 1/3 of Charisma - so if your Charisma is 8, you cannot raise Leadership higher than 2. If Charisma is 10, you cannot raise Leadership higher than 3.

My level 50 guy can have 80 troops. Charisma is 36, and Leadership is 8. He has 11 slots for troops.
dorni said:
For each Charisma point, you can add 1 troop. Charisma is the CHA in the lower left-hand side of your "Character" screen.

Also, each Leadership point lets you get 5 troops and an additional slot for troops. Leadership is in the center bottom of the "Character" screen. Leadership can be raised as far as 8. Your leadership level depends on your Charisma - Leadership won't be higher than 1/3 of Charisma - so if your Charisma is 8, you cannot raise Leadership higher than 2. If Charisma is 10, you cannot raise Leadership higher than 3.

My level 50 guy can have 80 troops. Charisma is 36, and Leadership is 8. He has 11 slots for troops.

k wow, how can u afford such a huge army cost?
this game takes time and you need to be patient. Join an army like the vaegir's or swadians and you get 20 gold each week. Also try capturing people and selling them as slaves at zendar. After a battle (if you win) you may take items from the dead and sell them. Ask around for where you get the best price for and item. A merchant at one town may pay more than a merchant at another. This is one way to raise the gold to pay for your parties weekly wages.
Antonious said:
k wow, how can u afford such a huge army cost?

It's not that expensive, especially if you're doing merchant quests as well as attacking enemies to pilfer treasure for resale. I think the highest-paid troop type is a Black Knight, and that's about 46 denirs a week I think. And figure about a slab or two of dried meat a day. The troops magically equip themselves.

To get soldiers cheaply, attack enemy prisoner trains or any party that has prisoners you want. You'll be able to hire them directly into your party. The screen calls it "capture" but they become a party member, and you pay them a wage. It's cheaper because you don't have to pay them an initial hiring fee.
Once you have about 4k or 5k, you don't have to worry much about hiring a rudimentary force.

A force of about 25 knights costs me little more than 1k/week. It's insignificant compared to what you get from a single caravan raid. They can help you do a lot of those.

Hitting prisoner trains are also great as mentioned since it's free recruitment of experienced troops (just 1 level below highest end)

For example, vaegir prisoner trains always contain swadian m@a and xbows. Just a few battles and they turn into deadly swadian knights and sharpshooters.
After you've increased your leadership ability to lead larger parties, you may want to have Borcha or Marnid develop higher level medical skills so that more of your troops survive combat wounds.

The more battles they survive, the better their chance of upgrading to veteran status and above.

It's a useful and common practice to have Borcha & Marnid develop party skills in certain areas like surgery or pathfinding or whatever so that you can reserve your skill points for personal skills like horse archery, strength, etc.
Make Borcha the scout and pump up his pathfinding and spotting skills so you can easily see and run away from powerful enemies. Maneuver on the world map is important so that you can pick the battles that you can win and thus have better survivability for your troops and yourself.

Marnid has decent trade skills at the start but you should be the leadership/charisma guy. Turn him into a surgeon instead.

Since both scout and surgeon is intelligence focused, either can become the tactician and the other can be a trainer.

This way you have a very balanced set of nonoverlapping party skills.

Turn yourself into a lethal killing machine with all the points you saved from those duties.
STevo said:
I get surrounded and swarmed by the little bastards.
Even if you were at level 30 and had 20 soldiers, you (and your men) would be killed by getting swarmed by river pirates. Never ride into the middle of an enemy pack if you want to survive! Ride by and take out soldiers at the edge of the packs. You can take out 40 sea raiders alone at level 10 using this method.
How can i get 10+ soldiers so I have a chance against these enemies? My 2 friends die fast, and I can't survive forever against big armies.
If you just let your soldiers charge they'll run and get swarmed and die within the first ½ minute. Tell them to hold position and lead a few enemies their way, and only let them charge when there are 4-5 scattered enemies left.
charizma said:
Join an army like the vaegir's or swadians and you get 20 gold each week. Also try capturing people and selling them as slaves at zendar.
Not worth it really. The only real money comes from killing enemies and selling their stuff. It'll be slow the first 15 levels, but once you get better at combat and can take on more difficult enemies, you'll be pulling 3-5.000 denars per fight, and before you know it you'll be buried in gold :smile:
Press "1" and get them to all stand still. Then they won't die so easily. Dismount any knights too. They die too easily running about on their own.
If your worried about money, see one of the many treads on trading in this forum. They can give you some useful hints that earn you a lot of money in the early stages of the game. Once you've passed the first few levels, you'll have enough capital and strength to do missions for various lords and merchants. One mission, in which a lord asked me to deliver 10 coursers (a type of horse) to him earned me 40,000 denars! By mid game, your character should have around 20,000- 100,000 denars, and money no longer becomes an issue.
it goes higher, but not much over 100. unless you are a decent programmer and can write a trainer. (is that the right name :?: ). one troop for every charisma level, which goes up to about 60 in theory, and 8 levels of leadership, which i think gets about 40 troops. 60+40=100.
Does it much matter? It seems that enemy groups scale as the size of your group varies.

Since I'm soloing the bastards anyhow (ordering my guys to hold position at the beginning), it just makes battles longer. Does give mroe loot though.
katank said:
Does it much matter? It seems that enemy groups scale as the size of your group varies.
True, although certain groups (ie. War Parties) always seem to contain a huge number of troops regardless of your party size.

Hmm, anyone killed off a War Party single-handed - and how long time did it take? :grin:
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