How to Fight Guide

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Tips from Gamer to fight Against Enemies.

Here is my Tip:

Troop Mix

30% Berserker
30% Teutonic Heavy Picman
30% Vaegir Skirmisher
10% Knights (Constables of Jerusalem, Teutonic Veteran Knight etc...)

Place your Bowman on a Hill.
The Infantry on the foot of the Hill. Hold Position and F8.
The Cavalry behind left or right from the Infanterie.

The Enemies comes to your lines (keep an eye on your Bowman, the Enemies likes to go around you and attack them.). Hold your Position, the Bowman shots the Man don't comes to your lines and weakens the Troops, so your Infantry has easy Work to do.
Move your troops only with the F6 and F7 Buttons so your Man hold the Line. But Normally the Enemies comes to you and fall in Battle. Enemies Bowman not, that's the Work for your Cavalry.

With Enemies Cavalry its Harder. Keep your Cavalry near behind right left or right from your Bowman. Let your Bowman close there Lines F8 and lets attack your Cavalry at the moment the Enemies Cavalry comes near your Bowman. Hold your Cavalry near your Bowman trough the Fight.

My English is not so good so I don't can write this better and detailed. Sorry
I have 170 troops slots in my game, I am currently level 35, I use 90 Archers, 50 Infantry and 30 Calvary, works pretty damn well, even nord archers not beign so good, its a slaughter if I manage to put my army holding on a hill, I let them come really close to my lines and then order the infantry to charge.

Usually their knights come first, 3-4 of them drop even before they reach our lines (with my help of course, with a bow). The others usually find themselves stuck in middle of berserkers. Thats pretty much when my losses happen, around 5-6 depending on the calvalry size. Their infantry are no match with their spears in open field against berserkers.
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