how to farm Tactics, Charm, and Roguery at the same time

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I wouldn't call this an exploit, more like a funky mechanics. so what to need is a fast army (at least 5.0+ campaign speed) and to be a war with someone.
step 1: using your speed find and fight a weak enemy lord (farms Tactics)
step 2: always release the enemy lord after battle but capture their troops. (farms Charm)
step 3: once your prisoner count is reaching its limit, head to a ally/neutral settlement and sell your prisoners (farms Roguery)
and bam, you're done! I got over 200 Charm and tactics and 100+ Roguery by mid-game by this method. a few suggestions I'd like to give are that it's better to have an army of infantry with horses in your inventory rather than cavalry since you will loss troops in the process. if your speed comes from the horses of your troops rather than in your inventory you'll constantly need to buy horses to achieve 5.0+ speed. also do NOT go to deep into enemy territory looking for lords since you could be surrounded and captured. stay close to friendly/neutral settlements. also not an exploit because you can only feasibly do this if your side is not losing; letting lords go means they can come back with another army, albeit a weaker army then before.
If you're worried about going into enemy territory just take a cavalry only force. Prisoners will slow you down, but it's difficult to be captured when your enemy are sharing 3 spare horses between 80 infantry.
Yeah, this is just the de facto results of a certain style of playing the game. Since Warband, this has been my typical strategy for dealing with other nobles. Back then I would capture them if they were the type to take it for granted, but otherwise I released everyone and just kept the intensity up so that I was constantly hitting them before they could retrain their armies.

Of course it makes sense, too, as it's a show of mercy and honour. Even if they're your enemies, the lords you release are going to appreciate and respect that, at least value their freedom as opposed to being put on the market. lol
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