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Well, personally what I would do is (I might make a video when I get around to it, as I've done it) raid Wercheg singlehandedly, or any other castle/lord's party while wearing no armor and only using a dagger, whilst playing "Gonna Fly Now" (the rocky montage theme) in the background at full blast, repeatedly.  Makes me laugh every time I do it.
Sir Wag the Disgruntled said:
Please, Harlaus is a pansy. Try being at war with every faction with an army of peasant women, that should do the trick :p
Peasant women kick pretty good arse, as a matter of fact.
More like take it pretty good in the arse.

I'm sorry, that was totally inappropriate.

Cibbicom21 said:
jeez ppl r downers these days..... :shock:

Maybe that's just you not being very smart?
Go against a peasant and for some god mistaken reason get knocked unconscious by a rock thrown at your head.
Once i think it was in the version .960 or something i was just walking around a village and i jumped on a fence because i was bored...
It killed my character  :shock:
Johtas, the one and only hammer wielding hippy, charging the 1120 strong Dark Knight invasion...

Thats a fail worthy of epicness! Made a vid of it somewhere.
I know one!

Go into a mega battle with every lord for every faction fighting for different sides with over 9000 athletics with no armor and fists and charge every single enemy and KILL everything you see first so that nothing is standing ecept u and dhen u capshure evry lerds body and burn them an mak a dummy for evry lerd and den cell them al fer ransem and becum a milionare thru scamming facshuns!!! Den capshure every town wit al deh monys u just got affording a mega armeh of hukasls and beat evryooene!!!
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