OK, I know how te make new entry points, but how to give them the number you want? I know there was a guide posted somewhere but couldnt find it with search...
thnx in advance and srry for my noobness,
You surely tried the NUMPAD + and - keys? If yes, check your num lock. If not, do, and check your num lock.
Also, some entry points are quite strange, like in salt mine the merchant is 1 and slave trader is 3, while no one is 2. And same in Rivacheg, count is 1 and Borcha is something like 6
How did you want 'em to work then? They just place the people already in the scene, no more no less. I think the unofficial editor does give you the possibility to create new NPC:s though.
I tried for makin a combi between zendar central arena mod (tried to make on my own) and the 8vs8 stuff mod...janus said maybe adding new entrys was my prob but it wasnt...get it?
Well, dunno what the problem is you're having then. Yesterday I made a simple new arena based off of a terrain code, with some items added in. I'm going for a central island sorta thing for spectators, with the teams starting on either side. Only problem is the AI still gets stuck running against the battlements in the center running straight at each other. I need to go with a diamond-shape for it.
Hmm, did you change the scn_zendar_arena in all necessary places? It needs to be changed at the 2 "the fight will start soon" conversation ends and at the 4 battle setups at the bottom of the conversation file.
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