How to create spectator camera points?

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I have just started making some warband multiplayer maps the other day, to put together a map pack, however, I am not sure:

- What number to use with the Entry point node to create spectator camera points, or how to change the default camera when joining the server.

- How to create a background image when selecting map in server.

Right now, I have 4 very detailed (but not over the top (engine limitations, map download time, system limitations of players to take into consideration etc)) maps, but without at least knowing how to create a default spectator camera point when joining the server, I don't really want to release my maps.

I will be making about 10 maps before I release the map pack for those interested, and screenshots will come at the same time as the map pack is released.

Any help on this matter will be greatly appreciated, and i'm sure when my map pack is released, you will appreciate helping me :smile:

Thankyou in advance.
From what I know, you cannot change the spawnpoint of a spectator, its just in the middle of the scene.

And what do you actually mean with a map background in the server? Is that when you select a map in the admin panel?
Hi Jezze.

The spectator camera I am talking about is the default position of the camera when you first join a server, before you even get to choose what faction you want to fight for or choose spectator.
It seems to default to the very center of the map, which unfortunately is located behind fake buildings, which as you could imagine looks garbage when you first see the map.

And yep, the background image i'm talking about is the one in the administrator panel, right across the top of the screen :smile:

I hope that clears things up a bit better.
Otreum said:
Hi Jezze.

The spectator camera I am talking about is the default position of the camera when you first join a server, before you even get to choose what faction you want to fight for or choose spectator.
It seems to default to the very center of the map, which unfortunately is located behind fake buildings, which as you could imagine looks garbage when you first see the map.

And yep, the background image i'm talking about is the one in the administrator panel, right across the top of the screen :smile:

I hope that clears things up a bit better.

The position of the spectator camera cannot be changed AFAIK. Maybe you can script something that spectators will spawn at a certain spawn point.

To add a background in the admin panel, you should take a look in module_scripts.

When you search for multi_scene, you will eventually come up with code that will regulate what kind of image will be used for the maps. I do not have the MS installed on this PC, so I cannot say the precise code atm :razz:.

These pictures are coming from the BRF files, which are textures. You can make textures by using GIMP or Photoshop with a DDS plugin. I do not know for sure in what kind of BRF file the background are located, but you can check in the CommonRes folder of Warband.

(Please note that background in the admin panel are not a real nessicity, I think you can easily do without them, or use one of native.)

EDIT: Woops, for map backgorund you should look in module_presentations,

  ("game_multiplayer_admin_panel", prsntf_manual_end_only, 0, [
     [(set_fixed_point_multiplier, 1000),

        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_1"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_1"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_2"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_2"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_3"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_3"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_4"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_4"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_5"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_5"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_6"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_6"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_7"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_7"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_8"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_8"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_9"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_9"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_10"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_10"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_11"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_11"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_12"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_12"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_13"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_13"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_14"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_14"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_15"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_15"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_16"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_16"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_17"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_17"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_multi_scene_18"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_18"),
        (this_or_next|eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_random_multi_plain_medium"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_random_multi_plain_large"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_randomp"),
        (this_or_next|eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_random_multi_steppe_medium"),
        (eq, "$g_multiplayer_selected_map", "scn_random_multi_steppe_large"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_randoms"),
        (assign, ":map_image", "mesh_mp_ui_host_maps_randomp"),

And then add your new scene, and the picture you want to use.
Thankyou for your response again.

As far as I know, the spectator camera doesn't have a set spawn, if you are in one corner of the map, with your view pointed at the sky and you choose to spectate, your camera will immediately go into spectate mode, and won't teleport somewhere else.

What I'm talking about is where the camera is when you first join a server, before you even have control over the camera, where you can see the menu that says:
Choose Faction
Choose Troop type

I hope that clarifies things better.

Here is a screenshot of what I mean.

Otreum said:
Thankyou for your response again.

As far as I know, the spectator camera doesn't have a set spawn, if you are in one corner of the map, with your view pointed at the sky and you choose to spectate, your camera will immediately go into spectate mode, and won't teleport somewhere else.

What I'm talking about is where the camera is when you first join a server, before you even have control over the camera, where you can see the menu that says:
Choose Faction
Choose Troop type

I hope that clarifies things better.

Here is a screenshot of what I mean.

Yeah, I get your point. So I suggested maybe that there is some script that enables you to spawn with the camera somewhere else. I shall look into it tonight. I doubt it can be done though.
Ah right, sorry, didn't mean to sound rude or anything, I just wanted to make sure we were on the same wavelength

I think i've pretty much given up on this, but I thought that the default mp maps had their own default camera position on map load, but maybe I am wrong.

Ahwell, I will probably just put some props infront of the camera so it doesn't look so damn ugly :razz:
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