How the hell I am hit with 80 missile damage?

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There is no such weapon in the game; and besides the enemy was a common sea raiders, not some elite soldiers with draw/throw bonuses?
News flash: Sea Raiders ARE elite soldiers. They are among the toughest troops in the game. :smile:

And if you were going to ride a sea raider axe thrower over, well, this is what you get. Sucks, doesn't it? :grin:
80 damage isn't that hard to believe if they hit you in the head.

Sea raiders are some of, if not THE, toughest opponents in the game. A decent bow and decent skill with a good headshot could create 80 damage.


EDIT: Fast typing Worbah! :shock:
I often fire arrows of 100+ damage with Warbow (headshots, of course)..
A throwing axe in your head can deal 200+ damage..
In .700 I fonud the sea raiders not as strong.
But I can't play or upgrade until Tuesday.
I don't completely understand just WHY you felt the need to tell us that you havn't played this game too long and are a low level charactor.
Just a guess, I could be wrong.

urge to lock something.. rising...
see raiders rule
i have been nock down serveral times with and axe on my skull they are extrmely dangerous if you are low lvl and dont use a shiel they trow axes like if they have a canon in their arm XD
I've been hit in the head by a sea raider with a bow for over 120 damage before. Remember, headshots deal somewhere around 2 to 4 times damage for ranged weapons. On a side note, i love throwing axes even more now. Since everyones health was reduced, they're even more devastating since their damage wasn't dropped to compensate. Although they can't be thrown as far...
Don't do what I did....

I spent alot of my points on CHA trying to get an uber army.
Now I can tote around 76 people, but my HP is 65.

Sea rairders = Own me.. Even with my black armor on o.<
Sea raiders are cool. They're essentially like any of the other infantry armies you have to fight, except if you screw up, you get hurt ten times as bad. It hurts way more to get gangraped by angry sea raiders than you could ever get hurt by deserters or pirates, primarily because the raiders have big, nasty weapons like battle axes, spiked maces, throwing axes, longbows, etc. :smile:
yeah, i found that, i saw them an thort, oh look, upgrades on river pirates, time for some more ass wooping,
4 hours later (it was a large party, an the killed my horse, MY HORSE DAMMIT!!!) and all my men later, i finally defeated them, shame i didn't have enough space for all the goodies an only eraned 10 grand from it
Exactly. High damaging missile weapons make sea raiders more dangerous by far than dark hunters and even khergits.

I never had a khergit down my horse in one shot yet sea raiders can easily manage it.

They will also own you quickly when dismounted as they mob you with high damage axes and swords.

Headshots with bows routinely do 150+ damage, xbows 200+, and throwing weapons can easily do 400+.
My recipe for sea raiders: A steel shield + bastard sword and good athletics. You will get a good reach and damage and will be able to block all those axes/arrows. Once you get close, it will be one heck of a fight! Make sure to slash faster than ther can hit you and to maneuver away from their blows. Shield will help a lot in blocking. You might want to take 3 shields with you: axes do nasty to them.

Maybe not the easiest way of handling them, but with practice it works and you will feel good after soloing a party of raiders :grin:

P.S. For solo players, there is nothing worse than khregits: those guys are all around you and turn you into a pin cushion!
Worbah said:
News flash: Sea Raiders ARE elite soldiers. They are among the toughest troops in the game. :smile:
LOL, explains why I'm having trouble too :smile: Somehow in my head I decided that "all raiders and bandits are created equal" and couldn't find a pattern as to why some encounters with "generic raiders" were incredible easy (I'm running a 20+ group) and others were extremely deadly :grin:

Even so, I personally fear bands of Swadian Crossbowmen much more than Sea Raiders - their large numbers, long range, rapid fire and high accuracy turn me and my men into pincushions even before we get into striking range :sad:
sea-raiders are easily defeated if you have high proficiency in archery or crossbow: can head-shoot them from afar as they take aim with their axes from across the map...

everyone mentions black khergids, dark raiders and sea raiders as the toughest opponents in the game. hmm... have you faced a mixed group of swadian knights and men at arms in v .71? they CAN and know how to do couched lance nowadays... and those do hurt... it seems, their riding skill has been raised as well, which makes them much more manouverable... i find those to be much more painful than raiders or khergids.

on another note: i try to avoid swabian deserters altogether... especially in hilly places...
A bunch of sea raiders are a major pain in the ass, unless you happen to have a horde of knights/hired blades with you. In almos every case, the raiders are on a hill in a line throwing axes and jarids nearly at the sime time.

They never get me that way(I use shields) but they sure get my horse killed, if it's not a warhorse/charger. Hate to lose a spirited courser/hunter that way.
I like charging them with a huge crowd of peasants or footmen, with a couple horsemen to run interference. With a decent surgery skill I can take on 20 sea raiders with only a slight numerical advantage on my part, and with the vast majority of my forces surviving. Great loot.
Hehe, you have a prob with 80 damage? Try getting hit for 132 the moment you start a tourney match. Was a foot archer, one of the hero-champions got me, don't remember which.
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