How skilled is the player above you?

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Keller said:
Rayden_ said:
Keller said:
Guys guys guys... Tobi had 70 ping and he was still one of the best duellist around. So don't say 70-80 is impossible or having a good ping makes you better. It's stupid unless you have 90+ ping.
If you are used to play with 70 ping, there is no reason to be worst than someone who is used to play with 10-20 ping.

please do not even defend 70-80 ping against 20

nr: _osiris_

You can block, you can feint, you can spam, you can chambre and you can block with shield while you kick.
My point is that if you play all the time with this ping and are used to to it, it does not change much... I'd say that once you reach 80-90+ it starts to be a problem, especially in duel. But 70-80 is playable...

NR: Osiris

Yet every team has to keep jumping servers when trying to play scrim against Paulos teams since like 2013, so you guys don't need to play with over 30 ping
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