How much troops I need to besiege a castle?

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I'm sure few people asked such question, but I was unable to get anything from this search engine.

So, here it is: It's said that I can begin my own kingdom in WB by taking a castle without being merc or vassal of another king. And here I am - skilled warbow killing machine with 40 best nord and rodok troops at the gate of some khergit castle (who is in war with sarras and have lost 2 cities to them already) with only 150 ***** horseless archers and spearmen. And I don't have the option to kick their butt  :cry:
Why? Do I need more men just to have and option to get that khergit catapult fodder out of their misery?
No, you need to have negative relationship with the faction you're trying to attack. Raid a caravan or a village first.
If there is no option, make sure you have negative relations first. In the long run, it is best to attack caravans, because you only get negative relation with the faction, but not with lords or villages.
Oh, thanks. I wasn't informed of that. However it a bit odd - I think devs should've made some trojan horse ablility to strike castle from within with good and neutral relations as well...

Lizard_man said:
you'll need alot more than 40 troops to take a castle...
Come on, it's weak low tear horseless khergits, controlled by AI. I think unlucky headshot is their only chance to win such battle... or papa lord, returnig home too early :wink:
I guess it depends on the difficulty you are playing on.  Most people give advice as though the author is playing on the most advanced difficulty.  And with those settings 40 guys isn't going to be enough.  The Khergit are weak when it comes to castles, but sometimes even lancers get short bows.  A lot of arrows are going to be heading your way and you are bound to lose at least 20 just breaching the top of the ladder. 

Good luck to you though.
yeah, as Vrehna said, especially with the khergits, your gonna have a ****load of arrows coming down on you, wouldn't be as bad with a siege tower, but if it's a ladder you're gonna have a hard time reaching the top, let us know how it turns out...
You can provoke them, ride their village or sth like that. than you got the option to besiege.

In terms of numbers:

If it's any castle, for me it's about equal or 150% number. I play lvl 40 char, and army of Swadian knights.

If it's Rhodok castle, it should be 2 -3 times more than defenders have.
Well, no success for now. Neither khergit caravan, nor pillagable village was in reach within a day and soonafter they retaken one of their former cities, so sugar daddy came home :sad:

Although, I tried a little on Sarras, which were in war with Nords that time... Well, I must admit, I overestimated my skills and capabilities of my band (or underestimated magnetism of sarra's shields, whatever). But I noticed that some castles are easier to fight due to their ineffective architecture then others. I also could tell you that nords is not the best choise if you want enemy out of arrows because of their round shields and because they do not understand order to cease fire (perhaps should try vaegirs or swadians).

But what's funny is that every castle has a blindspot for a few men and you can attack defenders from there with arrows with ease. I would say even more: if there was a inventory chest on siege maps, most job could be done by one man - player. But for now, before I get charismatic and sexy, I think letting allies to trail the way through enemies and keep own troops on support role is the best tactics. However, I shall continue to experiment with low on troops assault and let you know if I come up with something

Oh, btw, I'm playing at 60% difficulty with nomal damage and slow combat
You can use a tweak to your menus.txt files to allow attacking of non-hostiles, at least in Vanilla.

TheMageLord said:
You can turn off the thing that restricts you from attacking in the attack menu. Open up menus.txt and find
mno_encounter_attack  2 31 2 144115188075856037 0 2147485156 1 360287970189639680  Charge_the_enemy.  23 2133 2 144115188075856016 0 2133 2 144115188075856041 1 1 1 936748722493063379 1 1 936748722493063270 1691 1 72057594037927936 1020 0 4 0 31 2 144115188075856036 1 1911 1 792633534417207307 521 3 1224979098644774912 144115188075856035 10 1910 1 1224979098644774912 5 0 31 2 144115188075856036 2 1911 1 792633534417207307 521 3 1224979098644774912 144115188075856035 10 1910 1 1224979098644774912 5 0 1911 1 792633534417207305 1 1 936748722493063345 3 0 2133 2 144115188075856040 864691128455135265 2060 1 864691128455135270 2048 0  .  mno_encounter_order_attack  3 31 2 144115188075856037 0 1 2 936748722493063239 648518346341351424 30 2 72057594037927936 4  Order_your_troops_to_attack_without_you.  1 2060 1 864691128455135268
The 31 2 144115188075856037 0 is an operation checking if $encountered_party_friendly equals 0. That global variable is set to 1 (thus the option to attack isn't available) if your relation is above 0. So if you remove the blue part and then minus 1 from each of the red numbers (since you're removing an operation) it will allow you to attack even if you have positive relation.

Back up your menus.txt file before trying this, as I haven't done it myself in Warband and it may cause problems.
euthanat0s said:
I also could tell you that nords is not the best choise if you want enemy out of arrows because of their round shields and because they do not understand order to cease fire (perhaps should try vaegirs or swadians).

Nord-Huscarls actually are the best choice for any siege.
That's alright. Happens again, though, and we'll send munchiepoo around to your house. He doesn't actually do anything; we figure him just being there is punishment enough.
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