How much do you play M&B?

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0 - 2 hours.

(But I didn't count that time when I sleep, dreaming about reasonable discussions with Borcha. Or about Borcha actually killing someone.)
Latelly, I only go back to "M&B" to play tournament battles. Then I play until I lose a battle (which can take an hour or more).
Fluffy The Hamster said:
If i'm not on Rome:TW, talking to someone or on these forums. I'm probably playing M&B.

Haha, seems like you do exactly the same stuff as i do. Have you tried Rome total realism 6.0 yet? If so, what do you think of it, i think its quite good.
Nah. No point. R:TW is fun as it's own as a campaign/risk style game. Full Realism won't help much due to the fact that I SUCK SO BADLY THE WORDS OF SATAN CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW MUCH I SUCK AT THIS GAME!.

Which is why I have auto-assault. Problem solved. LETS TAKE OVER NORTH AFRICA!
RTR 6.0 is ok, but it needs some serious outside mods to make it difficult in the least bit.

1) A morale mod is absolutely required. I personally settled for a mod somewhere between Wallaces super elite fight to the last man mod, and his tamer version. Ultimately people seem to route at around 70% casualties.

2) OTZ No Phalanx Mod. I was skeptical at first, took me a week to even look at the thread itself. Once I did no looking back. The problems with the Phalanx AI, and how the AI deals with the Phalanx, both with or against is horrible. The No Phalanx mod brings back some of the flavor of MTW battles. The AI is more adept at handling them. My campaign as Bactria was a tooth and nail struggle with seleucids for awhile. Unfortunately I encounter the AI turn freeze in RTR around 230 BC. I've since uninstalled and am waiting for EB or BI.
I play it several hours a day, or I used to until my ***** mom grounded me "because i stayed up to late" Then we got into a argument and she took my computer out of my bedroom.
there is no life after M&B... updates! we need updates...
tried playing other games after i picked up M&B... nothing matters anymore...

must lance bandit...
About 2-3 hours a day but will decrease when RTR 6.1 comes out, I can't stand the crashes anymore, and will increase when the next M&B update sees the light.
I 'Currently' play about 1-6 hour's a day.

Although i must admit , when i first played it was something like 5-14 hours a day LOL

And i think it's likely to be like that again once the update comés out.
*Drewl's at the thought of update....*

Main reason i don't play it now though is because i prefer to sleep all day.
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