How much do you like M&B?

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I never bought any games in my life because I could always download it on the net along with a crack.

Mount & Blade was the first game that I really wanted to buy (and did so :p).

I have no credit card so I had to convince my mom that internet money transfer is safe so she'd lend me her credit card number for a PayPal transfer.

Real is the currency here in Brazil.

$US 1,00 = $R 2,50

So the game cost more than the double for me, another reason for I don't purchase games.

However, after playing the demo and quitting once I reached 6th level, I told myself I was gonna buy the game.
miruim said:
I never bought any games in my life because I could always download it on the net along with a crack.

Thats exactly me, i havent bought a game in five years because i always got it from emule/torrent/direct connect. But how does the game cost anything more for you? I think you got the currencies all wrong.
It costs more because (I'm guessing, I haven't checked the facts AT ALL, but he said it costs more) something that costs x dollars costs 2.5x real, but median wages in Brazil in real < 2.5 * median wage in america in dollars. As I said, I don't actually know this. I'm just taking miruim's word.
I could be wrong, but isn't admitting to, and posting ways of illegally obtaining coppies of games a bannable offense? Personally, people who are too cheap to support the developers of games they enjoy piss me off. Its no different than stealing a dvd from a video store. Go get a job, and purchase the product, or don't play.
DaLagga said:
I could be wrong, but isn't admitting to, and posting ways of illegally obtaining coppies of games a bannable offense? Personally, people who are too cheap to support the developers of games they enjoy piss me off. Its no different than stealing a dvd from a video store. Go get a job, and purchase the product, or don't play.

What i meant/said was that i bought mount&blade and if saying that warez can be found through bittorrent is wrong or illegal then all i have to say is oh my...
If you live in the U.S., it's illegal, all right. Laws in other nations (including mine) are a bit more fuzzy on the subject.
I think warez is what most of the game houses deserve. I buy games (those that do deserve to be bought [well most of em]). They rush the games and make most of good RPGs crappy monster slaughter games (d2 wannabes). For example: I really liked VtM: Bloodlines, but I got pissed off by how the game turned into a mindless killing game after finding Barabbas (or such). It is still playable but the game goes really downhill from there.
(EDIT: replaced the nossie name with a correct one but who cares)
I liked MB to buy it upon reaching level 4. I like it enough to promote it on my show, tell every one of my friends, mud playing pals, and so on about it. I know 5 people on one other forum who've now bought this game from my reccomendation.

I'll gladly support MB all the way. It's fine quality. Like Ipex said, most of this huge companies don't care what they put out. It's all about money, and if they make another game JUST like the last one, with new graphics, oh well. They figure it'll sell. And it does.

Games like MB succeeding will help get the message across to companies that we prefer quality, over quantity.
LB said:
If you live in the U.S., it's illegal, all right. Laws in other nations (including mine) are a bit more fuzzy on the subject.

Saying "I used to download copyrighted games." most certainly isn't illegal. Doing so (downloading) is, and possessing said copyrighted materials is, but just saying it on a forum isn't.
n00854180t said:
Saying "I used to download copyrighted games." most certainly isn't illegal. Doing so (downloading) is, and possessing said copyrighted materials is, but just saying it on a forum isn't.

That's what I meant. You can run around shouting "I raped and murdered six people!" and it's not illegal. It's stupid, but it's not illegal.

I was referring to the actual act of downloading pirated software.
LB said:
n00854180t said:
Saying "I used to download copyrighted games." most certainly isn't illegal. Doing so (downloading) is, and possessing said copyrighted materials is, but just saying it on a forum isn't.

That's what I meant. You can run around shouting "I raped and murdered six people!" and it's not illegal. It's stupid, but it's not illegal.

I was referring to the actual act of downloading pirated software.

Heh, id say its more like "i drove 20mph over the speed limit once" murdering six people is a little different and if you ask why i wont even bother telling you
miruim said:
I never bought any games in my life because I could always download it on the net along with a crack.

Mount & Blade was the first game that I really wanted to buy (and did so :p).

I have no credit card so I had to convince my mom that internet money transfer is safe so she'd lend me her credit card number for a PayPal transfer.

Real is the currency here in Brazil.

$US 1,00 = $R 2,50

So the game cost more than the double for me, another reason for I don't purchase games.

However, after playing the demo and quitting once I reached 6th level, I told myself I was gonna buy the game.
I'm glad you discovered the game and have had fun with it. Frankly, this has been one of the most entertaining games I've ever played - and I've been gaming for years! Good luck and good gaming.
Samieldracul said:
Games like MB succeeding will help get the message across to companies that we prefer quality, over quantity.
That would be nice... though it doesn't have much reality to it, unfortunately. I've gone into discussions about this matter a few times, and to me at least, it seems that the majority of people who play games actually prefer quantity over quality. Bigger is better. It doesn't matter that we've seen the exact same game in 42 incarnations before, it's still good enough. The game industry is exactly that - industry. The profit is what matters the most. And that can easily be gained by making a game that the mindless cattle has previously accepted, just with better graphics and longer play-time.

Also, what do those few dollars matter that people pay for this game? I don't even bother to take a look at EA's games nowadays, much less waste money on them. They still make a lot of money. For this game, I'm actually happy to pay such a small amount. The developers honesty shows in the game - it doesn't pretend to have fancy graphics (have I ever seen Square show off non-FMV scenes from their upcoming games?), doesn't raise your expectations irrealistically high, just to disappoint you later. It's a more than welcome surprise.

Even so, I can't think optimistically enough to be able to see the current situation change. There are lots of great, yet relatively unknown games out there - that's why I visit Home of the Underdogs regularly. I found M&B on that site, too. What's ironic is that I can rarely find a new game that I can have fun with - freeware, fanmade games are much more enjoyable most of the time than the mass-produced crap that's widely available.
Cataphract said:
Heh, id say its more like "i drove 20mph over the speed limit once" murdering six people is a little different and if you ask why i wont even bother telling you
For the purposes of this example they are one and the same. Claiming credit for an illegal act is not in itself illegal (unless you're lying under oath), merely stupid. It was not my intention to indicate otherwise, and my original post referred to actually downloading pirated software, not just claiming one did so.
LB said:
Cataphract said:
Heh, id say its more like "i drove 20mph over the speed limit once" murdering six people is a little different and if you ask why i wont even bother telling you
For the purposes of this example they are one and the same. Claiming credit for an illegal act is not in itself illegal (unless you're lying under oath), merely stupid. It was not my intention to indicate otherwise, and my original post referred to actually downloading pirated software, not just claiming one did so.

Ok no problem, discussion closed :grin:
Heh...sorry for being a bit harsh. Something things just really get to me. First, i never said it was illegal to post on this forum stating that you had pirated software. And while you didn't give specific information on how to steal software, you briefly list a few ways. I suppose i overreacted a bit though. I just know several people who are actually proud that they haven't had to pay for a game in the past 5 years... :???:
You think that's bad? At the college I go to people sometimes pirate tv shows and apps IN FRONT OF THE PROFFESSORS. Even more amazing is when the proffs request a certain episode of the show or ask about some program they want. Yep, piracy has become mundane in this world. Now I'm off to see the wizard; the wonderful wizard of Kazzaa. :razz:
Folks, remember this:<-This shows just how much the guys employed at EA and other companies work for a game to get done. Of course, i don't support EA and their way of pumping out FIFA XXXX and NHL xxxx and LOTR: XXXXXXXXXXXX, what i'm saying is that the guys who make this kinds of games really work their asses of for our(the gamers) sake. They do it because it's what they love, it's the only job they got. :!:

So. Do you still want to steal what they work 12 ours a day for?
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