How many times does a serial key work?

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I reformatted my hard drive and I'm wondering if I can use my serial key more than once.
Chuck E. Cheese
From the "Common Problems & Fixes (Read Me First!)" topic stickied above:
9. Activation Denied message when attempting to activate the game
Each key entitles you to activate the full version of Mount & Blade twice every 60 days. If you see this message, it indicates you have used both activations for this 60 day period.
Don't know if that's still current or not.
can you use it on differnt computers? i have a desktop and laptop and i would like to install it on both
Yeah, you can. I have Mount & Blade activated on both of my computers, and it works fine.
Alec{zacool} said:
You can only activate it twice in 30 days.

Once 30 days is over, you can activate it again, but it overrides the old two ones you did before.

Twice in 60 days and you can have it loaded on two computers (more if you wait after the 60 days):,12982.0.html
So this means that I can't play my legal copy of Mount&Blade because there is an restriction on how many activation pr. month?
I've installed M&B on both of my computers recently, but one of them needed a reinstall of Windows because it wouldn't boot anymore.. And now I cant activate, Im just getting "Activation Denied!"

What am I suppose to do the upcoming month(s) ?
bjohansen said:
So this means that I can't play my legal copy of Mount&Blade because there is an restriction on how many activation pr. month?
I've installed M&B on both of my computers recently, but one of them needed a reinstall of Windows because it wouldn't boot anymore.. And now I cant activate, Im just getting "Activation Denied!"

What am I suppose to do the upcoming month(s) ?

Contact this e-mail address: [email protected]

Ask them if there is a work around to resetting the key. You may also go here: and see if there's a way to reset it by entering the information.
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