how many houres a day do you play on the computer?

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Good days = 12-17 hours
Bad days = 12-17 hours
Weekends = 12-17 hours
Weekdays = 12-17 hours

Sometimes it varies a little more than I've stated, but those are just generalizations. :lol:
Hmm, 3-7 on weekdays, 3-15 on weekends. My hours are going to be cut down a bit this school year. So I am figuring out other things to do.

ilex said:
I idle most of my freetime in front of the computer. But playing, meh, depends. If I get a good (addictive) game I will play it the whole day, but mostly I play a few hours and rest chat and listen to music or click refresh on the taleworlds-forums.
I idle most of my freetime in front of the computer. But playing, meh, depends. If I get a good (addictive) game I will play it the whole day, but mostly I play a few hours and rest chat and listen to music or click refresh on the taleworlds-forums.
I hardly play games much anymore. Because of Uni, i'm restricted to only short spaces of time to do stuff on the computer. As such, internet browsing (and answering questions on this forum that could've been answered by the person searching or reading the FAQs) is much easier to do than playing a game for a protracted period of time. (temporal awareness tends to go right out of the window when I play games)
I generally manage to sneak in enough a day to add up to at least an hour. Usually, it's between two and three anyway.

Weekends i generally do pretty much nothing of importance to anyone, so i'll alternate between browsing aound on the hinternet and working on my arm muscles.
I haven't touched a computer in over two weeks now. I don't need that kind of crap in my life.
Hardclyff said:
Right now 0 hours a day... but I don't want to know what happens when Oblivion comes out :???:

Oh my god (wich is me btw for futue reference), when oblivion comes out, my new computer probably won't be here yet as i havn;t even looked yet. And my parents are divorcing so I can't just spen all my time at my mom's... And I certanely won't start skiping school, especialy since this teacher strike is ruining all the 1 term (about 2.5 month long classes) ....
about 10hours even including school....
will rise to 24 when oblivion comes out :lol:
the funny thing is most people will think im exaggerating...
According to my wife, too many!!! Although I only tend to spend 2/3 hours on an evening and a bit more at weekends.
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