How is Medicine going for you? My INT character got 123 Medicine at day 287.

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In the hundreds!

More like in the thousands:wink:

Edit. Actually, from what I can tell (1.65) it appears you get 10 base xp for each wounded, killed or healed soldier. You need 3,8 mill xp to get to 275. Assuming a learning rate of 10 you should then be able to get there for the bargaining price of a mere 38.000 wounded, killed or healed soldiers.

So, tens of thousands! "but my lord, there is no such army"
At least now I know exact number of troops I need to sacrifice. Gonna take a lot of time to recruit and kill so much, though.
hippocratic oath + Seiges, it is a gold mine for doctors.
Even if you have this perk, killing enemies or getting them unconscious does not give you Medicine xp.

Edit. Actually, from what I can tell (1.65) it appears you get 10 base xp for each wounded, killed or healed soldier. You need 3,8 mill xp to get to 275. Assuming a learning rate of 10 you should then be able to get there for the bargaining price of a mere 38.000 wounded, killed or healed soldiers.
You are correct about base xp gains, and I can add to that one more thing - healing 1hp of any hero in your party gives 1 base xp.
Base xp needed for level 275 is exacly 349100, and for level 330 it is 2334855 if you have 5 focus points and 10 atrribute points from the start, so your estimation for number of wounded soldiers was good. However, in practice you would need around half of that, because with quite high medicine level over 90% of your defeated soldiers would not get killed and you can also get xp for healing them.

Anyways, I would like to know how medicine goes for other players, with an emphasis on the day of game along with the level you get medicine?
I had one longer game on version e1.5.10. My main goal there was to level up Medicine as high as possible for my main hero. I stopped playing it at day 2211, and I had at that moment 286 Medicine.

It was my first longer game with main focus on Medicine. I have started it with 5 Intelligence and 0 focus points in Medicine, because I wanted to have 7 Cunning first to get last perk in Scouting reasonably fast. The plan was to use the biggest possible melee infantry party and fight a lot, so I needed this speed bonus later in the game to catch other parties.

For first 193 days I was leveling up my hero and variety of his skills, gathering companions, growing my clan and improving relations with nobles and notables, and then I became a vassal of Western Empire. At day 272 I have gifted Dragon Banner to Garios, and at day 345 I have finally got 10th Intelligence point and I was having 106 Medicine at that moment. From this point I started more aggressive fights and expansion of my faction. At day 707 Garios have died and I have became the new Emperor, I have reached 182 Medicine that day. My gameplay was focused on further expansion of my faction and unification of The Empire from the main quest. At day 2211 I ended up with conquered in total 9 non-imperial towns, few non-imperial castles, and all Empire settlements except Onira.

Now let's talk about the gameplay. I have been fighting lots of battles since becoming a vassal and fair amount of sieges. I tried to fight as many battles between two armies as possible, because I could get in them all my soldiers defeated while still winning them. I also have been fighting challenging battles to have heavy losses in troops. Sometimes I had in my party mostly low tier troops to let them get defeated by an enemy lord's party and I was using small squad of legionaries to finish the job. However, most of the time I had party full of one type of top tier melee infantry - usually legionaries but sometimes it were aserai mameluk palace guards or sturgian heroic line brakers. As a vassal I had on average 160 soldier in my party, and as an emperor I had 400 soldiers on average.
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