How important is leadership?

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How important is leadership in Warband, considering it detracts from your combat skills? I'd say it's very important but the cost of raising it to 10 is very high...
AFAIK, the skill doesn't detract points of your combat skills.
It is an important skill if you want to manage bigger parties; It gives room for more soldiers in your party, it gives a morale point, and it decreases the soldiers' salary costs.
Captured Joe said:
AFAIK, the skill doesn't detract points of your combat skills.

I meant it as in during the early game, it uses up the points that you could instead put into combat skills (mostly the points going into charisma instead of strength/agility)

But okay, it seems that it is rather important to progress so I'll just have to make do with it and hope I don't get killed constantly, thanks :smile:
Wait, you're at the start of your game?
I advise to focus on fighting skills first at the start, and later decide if you want to be a 'leadership-style' commander (for a larger army), to raise your leadership, or, if you want to kill more enemies yourself, focus on the fighting skills more.
How important is Ld? It's essential. In early game? Not particularly. Then again I manage to do damage with my commander char even though his STR and AGI are only at 9 (which means that I have most of my combat skills as high as I need them at level 1). The question is, how important are combat skills to you personally. Set yourself a limit which you found reasonable, level your combat skills up to that limit before you do anything else, then level INT and CHAR.
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